Chapter 36: The Elephant in the Room and Dinner

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 36: The Elephant in the Room and Dinner

-Claire's POV-

About four days had passed since Ash and Louise had broken up, everything was great between Ashton and I, at times a little awkward but we had seemingly glided back into the kind of friendship we had before Louise had been introduced into the picture, except well of course bearing in mind I now had a boyfriend of my own.

However I couldn't say the same kind of thing on the Ashton and Louis perspective, although it wasn't as bad as I think I'm making it out to be but there is potential for it to get worse. Which is a problem I don't want to be the cause for 5SOS getting chucked off the tour, I don't think I'd ever be able to handle the guilt if I did. But for the moment I'm taking every good day as it comes.

The only problem now is the fact that I still haven't broken the news to my boyfriend that I wasn't going to be joining him for the European part of the tour. In fact I was going to be spending around a month or so in LA with the 5sos boys and girls, Rose and Molly, while the guys wrote songs for their next ep.

In fact I had agreed to go with them the day that Ash and Louise broke up, when Ash and I were on the couch together. I had just been putting it off, in fear that it would make the whole Ashton and Louis tension a whole lot worse.

We were all hanging out back stage in one of the waiting rooms mucking around with the guys from 5sos, while 1D were onstage performing. When I suddenly felt two hands grab roughly on my shoulders, causing me, of course in the true Claire fashion, to scream very loudly. I turned around to see Ashton laughing hysterically, along with everyone else, and clapping his hands slowly at the same time.

I rolled my eyes and laughed a little with them, I had to admit it was pretty funny. When Ash and I met eye contact I just glared at him playfully.

"Don't forget I'm sharing a house with you for a month Irwin," I said pointing a finger at him as he replied with a fake horrified look, causing me to laugh again as everyone began to fall into their own individual conversations.

I ran my hand over the soft, brown surface of the couch I was currently sitting on. I had my back leaning on the hand rest with my knees and legs both on the couch. I watched as Ashton walked around from where he had been hiding and came to plonked himself down on the couch next to me.

"Speaking of LA, are you looking for to it?" he asked as he put his right leg over his left, leaving a triangle shape between the gap in his legs where one hand rested on the opposite leg.

I nodded my head, "The last time I was there was when I was 13, my Mum, Dad and brother were all there too and we spent all of our evenings in the same diner because the burgers where so good," I said laughing a little at the memory, I looked over at Ashton and saw an amused smiled spread across his face.

"Remind me when we get to LA that I'll have to take you guys all there," I said, holding out a finger in his direction to signal it was his responsibility, he nodded before responding.

"Promise," with a smile on his face that showed his dimples. I smiled and looked down at my lap and at my fidgeting, ring clad fingers.

"Hey, thanks for inviting me to go with you guys, I'm really looking forward for a chance just to get away from everything," he looked at me as though he was going to say something but the look quickly vanished when I noticed someone standing next to the two of us.

"Where you guys all going without us," Louis said in a fake hurt expression with one hand over his heart. I looked over at him surprised, I hadn't even heard him or the other boys come in.

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