Chapter 6: Ice Cream and Exciting News

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Chapter 6

At the Wrong Time

Ice Cream and Exciting News

-Claire's POV-

It's been about a week since I went to the movies with Ash, on what I can only say was an interesting experience.


"Hey," I whispered, as I walked into the cinema, the movie had just started. "Hey," he whispered back while moving his jacket off my seat, I sat down and handed him a large Coke.

"What, no popcorn," He said smiling, I clutched the popcorn closer to my chest. He reached over and grabbed a big handful and started shovelling it in his mouth. I laughed to myself, boys and their eating habits. We sat silently for a moment just watching the movie, I was getting really confused and I was tempted to ask what was going on.

"Don't worry I recorded the start for you," He said leaning over and whispering in my ear so no one else heard us.

"Thanks," I whispered back, he smiled and then put his hand on the back of my chair. At I just leant against the back of the chair but I noticed as the movie went on I was slowly moving closer to him.

We walked out of the cinema, I threw away the trash and walked back over to where Ashton was waiting. "So was it really that bad a movie?" I asked I watched as he scanned the area before answering.

"I may or may not have enjoyed myself," He said smiling, I clapped my hands before I said, "Mission accomplished!" He laughed as we started to walk towards the car park.

"So where do you want to go now?" he asked as he unlocked the car and climbed in, I looked at him for a moment. Questions still circulating in my head, I didn't know what any of this meant, "Can you just drop me home?" I asked, a sad smile on my face, I didn't really want to go home but a) I had spent the last three days with them and b) I needed some alone time to step back and clear my head. The excitement on his face began to fade, his dimples became smaller and smaller till they could no longer be seen and his bright smile became a dim look of confusion.

"Ash, I have spent the last three days with you, not only have I not had a shower this morning I also haven't gotten another change of clothes," He just nodded, his expression not changing, and pulled the car into reverse and began to drive out of the car park.

We sat in silence for a little longer before he put one of his hands into the pocket of his jeans, pulled out his phone and held it in front of me. "I recorded the parts that you missed for you," He said, I could hear the usual brightness he had return back to him.

"Thanks," I said smiling and taking the phone off him before I held it back up to him and said, "Passcode?" I looked at me for a quick second and smirked, "It's a heart," I looked at him confused, I turned on his phone and saw that it was one of the pattern ones.

I looked over at him again before I looked back down and unlocked the phone. It was a heart. Just like he said, what a weird child.

The video began to play, so far it was only ads, I rolled my eyes. But I quickly looked back, one ad in particular that was for a magazine. They were hiring a new journalist, that was my major. I quickly pulled out my phone and copied the email address down.

"What, are you putting your number into my phone or something?" Ashton said I could hear the smile that was spread across his lips. I rolled my eyes as I finished copying the address, "No I'm copying an email address from one of those ads, I think I might apply for the job," I said putting my phone away.

"Well while you're on my phone you might as well put in your number," He said casually, my breath caught in my throat. Did he just ask for my number? I took another deep breath as I clicked out of his photo album and went to his contact and began to make a new one.

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