Chapter 40: Silly Dancing and Pancakes

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 40: Silly Dancing and Pancakes

-Claire's POV-

The hours seemed to roll by as quickly as the cliff-scape around us was as we travelled back to the LA pad. I looked over from the driver's seat over at a sleeping Ashton, I quickly looked back at the road before glancing over his peaceful figure as light snores escaped his mouth, nearly making me laugh softly. I looked back over at the road letting myself look over at him occasionally.

It was some time later, the music still playing softly in the background, and I could feel my body slowly decreasing into a state, that of near slumber. Luckily we didn't have that long to go till we arrived back at the house. I sighed, quietly, as I let one hand off the steering wheel so I could lean my upright head against it. I felt the mixture of moonlight and streetlamps shinning down on my face, reflecting off my hair and illuminating the road in front of me, aside from the headlights of course.

I thought I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye, I looked over at Ash to see him still sound asleep. I looked back at the road but made sure to keep checking on his using my peripheral vision and the side mirrors. It was only a moment or two later when I saw him open his eyes, just lying there still and observing the view that stretched out past my window. I smiled to myself, that I had caught him out, but never brought it up, keeping two eyes now on the road.

It was Midday the next day when Ashton had decided to drag himself out of bed. I was sitting downstairs with Rose, sipping a cup of tea, when we finally heard his heavy footsteps trudge down the stairs. We both turned around to spectate this unnatural event, seeing as he seemed to be always up the crack of dawn doing god knows what.

"Good Morning Princess," I said mockily as he walked over to sit by me, instead just ended up leaning against my back, causing me to let out a grunt. He let out a quiet chuckle before resting his head on my shoulder.

"Can you make me something to eat," he whispered, more like a mumbled, into my ear before looking up at me. I inhaled quickly as I felt his lips brushing over my earlobe, I looked over at him and my eyes widened at our close proximity as my cheeks began to heat up. I swivelled my chair around so that I was facing him, causing him to take a small step back.

I tried to avoid catching his eye contact as I just sat there looking at him and his topless figure for a moment, but he caught my contact. I quickly looked away awkwardly, still confused about what had happened moments before.

"Sure," I whispered as I dared myself to look up at him once more before I hopped off the seat and walked around the counter to go investigate was what in the fridge. I ended up just grabbing some stuff to make pancake mix with and filling my arms with as many ingredients I could possibly hold, before swinging the door shut with my elbow.

I looked over at where Rose and Ashton, who had now taken my chair, were sitting. I noticed them quickly pull apart from their little huddle and both catch my confused eye contacted. I looked at them for a moment before nodding my head slowly once and turning around on the spot to go place all the ingredients down on the countertop.

As I did I looked back over to where Rose and Ashton were quietly whispering, I coughed lightly before looking away and squatting down to open a cupboard to fish out a fry pan. I looked over again to see them Rose quickly look away from me and down to her phone.

But Ashton held my eye contact a little longer, his searching glance trying to recover as many clues as possible. I sent him a small, confused smile before I walked over to the fridge to recover some more ingredients, the light patter of my footsteps against the dark wooden floor the only sound that filled the room.

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