Chapter 38: Fans and Pool Drama

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 38: Fans and Pool Drama

-Claire's POV-

My eye lids fluttered opened as I began to take in my surroundings. White linen sheets, the hot Californian sun desperately trying to pry its way into my room around the curtains that hid its full wrath from me. I breathed out a sigh and rolled over, pulling the warm sheets further and further over my head until I had been fully submerged in a sea of white.

I poked my eyes above the top of the sheets to get an even better view of my temporary room; bed, closet, some paintings scattered around the room and a small desk with a chair. I smiled and fell back down onto the soft, down pillows. I turned my head to face the windows again, closing my left eye as I rubbed it before letting out a small yawn.

It took a little bit more getting used to being awake again before I managed to stumble down the stairs. I looked around to see the girls lazing down by the pool deck. I cringed as I opened the sliding doors and let the light fill my eyes.

"Hey where are the boys?" I asked looking around, noticing I hadn't seen them on my way down. Although I hadn't seen much, I had been doing a lot of squinting.

"Oh, I see not even a hello or a good morning," said Molly as she put her hand over her heart pretending to be offended. I gave her a condescending look before I quickly moved towards the pool and flicked some water up at her. Earning a squeal from her and a hysterical Rose, who had become overtaken with laughter.

"Morning!" I said cheerily at her glaring figure as I bent down to dip my feet in the water. Before I ended up sitting down and swishing my feet around in the surprisingly cool water. I looked up again to notice Luke who had sticked his head around the corner. I was about to wish him a pleasant morning when he beat me to the punch.

"Sorry but if you groupies don't mind we celebrities require peace and quiet for recording," before disappearing around the corner he had come from.

I, along with both Molly and Rose, let out a simultaneous gasp at his surprising choice of words. That was until I yelled out at the top of my lungs, "Fuck you Luke Hemmings!" Causing all us girls to snicker and giggle.

And it wasn't long before a Luke shouted back his faint reply of, "In your dreams Claire!" Earning him a laugh or two.

The girls and I lazed around the poolside a bit longer before we decided to head inside to quickly get changed into some casual cloths and head down to the main boulevard to grab some breakfast and hit the shops.

"So what are the boys actually writing this time around?" Molly asked after she had taken another sip of her coffee. She turned to look at me but I just shrugged as I shuffled around on a pillow that seemed to be stuck to the bottom of the chair, in an attempt to get comfortable.

"Just an EP this time round but I think they were planning on getting an album pumped out after the 1D tour finishes up," Rose said as she used her fork to push around the remaining pieces of egg on the plate.

"Speaking off which, what are you and Louis planning on doing after tour finishes?" Asked Molly, the bewilderment clear in her voice. I nearly began to choke on the milkshake I had been sipping on but instead just managed to stop drinking it all together.

Wow, to think up until this point I hadn't really thought about it all that much. Man why hadn't this come up early? Like maybe when decided to go official? I mean, he lives in London I live in Australia. Man I really hadn't thought about it like that before. I breathed in, trying to calm myself from all the self-doubt that was currently threatening to drown me.

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