Chapter 47: Uni and Recording Studios

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At The Wrong Time

Chapter 47: Uni and Recording Studios

Claire's POV

After the month in England, the refreshingly warm LA helped to coax my mind away of all the bad memories I had left behind with me. Past two months we'd been here helped bring me back to life and closer to the home I'd left behind in Australia.

Christmas and New Years flew by in a heartbeat as we celebrated both surrounded by each other, the boys promising me and their respective families to return home soon. Part of the reason we stayed here so was some innate fear of there's that the sooner we returned to Australia the sooner they'd all have to leave for the next tour. The sooner I'd be left alone again.

We all knew I wouldn't be joining them this time, not after everything.

I went back with Calum and Molly a few days after my birthday, the boys practically having to tie Ash up to keep him from coming with me.

I left a letter on the couch for him, to counter all the messages he'd sent me explaining everything and that it wasn't just the argument cause deep down, even though we tried to pretend, we both knew our relationship couldn't last after the tour ended.

Tour was where we fell in love and that was where our feelings had to stay.

My mind no longer fixated on relationships and any tension between the group I spent my time relaxing by the pool with the girls, misbehaving with the boys or searching for yet another job.

"I think I'm gonna do a Uni course," I offhandedly commented one day to Rose and Molly who were lying beside me, they both bolted upright.

"Really?" Molly asked dumbfounded.

"What for?" Rose jumped in, her arm firmly folded across the swim top that was threatening to slide down.

I shrugged, sitting up slowly to join them, adjusting my sunnies slightly.

"I don't know to get more qualifications, this job thing is really doing my head in but, um, also something to do while you guys are on tour," I stated plainly shrugging slightly, the girls winced at the mention of the tour.

Everyone had been walking on eggshells about the whole topic since England, everyone thinking about it just not saying anything.

"You know, I don't have to go on tour, I've been getting plenty of job opportunities after getting to put the last tour on my resume," Molly offered pushing down her sunnies to attempt to look at me directly despite the glare, but I shook my head.

"No, I couldn't let you do that for me, I'm not gonna take you away from our friends for my own selfish sake," I started but had to look away from her to avoid the pity in her stare, my eyes immediately flittered to Ashton's fit golden form in the distance, his hair having grown distinguishably longer in the past few months we spent together I had to bite down on my lip to avoid letting any of my thoughts spill out, "Besides I should learn to be alone if I ever want to make it through life," I commented a grimace on my face.

I couldn't the glance Rose shot between Ashton and myself, I quickly snuck another look over at his in time to catch him sending a toothy grin my way. A tiny stifled laugh escaped my lips as a small grin formed on my face. Until I was met with the judgy look I was being sent by Rose, nothing got past that girl.

I stuck a tongue out at her before we all lay back down, the others drifting into a peaceful doze, while I lay their baking in my own thoughts.

I looked back at the last few months, of all the greats times I got to spend with my friends, the innocent stolen glances at Ashton.

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