Chapter 10: Celebrations and Plot Twists

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 10

Celebrations and Plot Twists

-Claire's POV-

I was tapping my foot on the tile floor waiting for the cashier to finish scanning the multiple bottles of alcohol we had placed on the counter. In honour of my new job, Ash decided to call everyone over to his place for a 'celebration' ie. an inevitable hangover, except this time I was planning to try and remember the night, at least some of it.

It still bugged me that I couldn't remember what had happened, I was a really curious person, as you know. It felt like I was missing a piece of me and also I had the nagging feeling that I should remember something that happened, something important to me.

I sighed as I waited for the lady to hurry up scanning the bottles as I tried to avoid her judgmental glances. I looked up at Ashton and half smiled, he closed his eyes and pulled a massive toothy grin, causing me to laugh.

"So has the information sunk in yet?" He asked after a moment of silence, except for the sound the scanning machine was making, I nodded my head.

"Definitely, I still can't believe how lucky I am, I mean before," I couldn't say his name after what he said to me, no one has ever said something like that before to me, "introduced us I was a massive fan and like, I mean, Luke didn't call me psychotic for no reason," He chuckled, and I began to laugh as well when I saw the cashiers facial expression.

"Will that be cash or card," She said in a monotone voice, still looking at us with a worried expression.

I pulled out my wallet and handed her my credit card and smirked at Ashton who was still getting his out. He looked up and frowned before quickly snatching my card of the lady's hand and passed her his, I looked at him shocked and believe me so was the lady.

But before the lady could take his card, I quickly snatched it out of his hand. We glared at each other trying to figure strategies that we could pay first, I looked down at my golden MasterCard pressed against the side of his leg.

If I could distract him then I could swipe it from him when he wasn't paying attention. I looked back up at him trying to see if I could get any hint of what his plan was, nope nothing but a smirk on his face.

I raised my eyebrow before I quickly bent down and flicked his credit card across the ground just passed his foot. He immediately reacted and went after it, still hold my credit card. I quickly ran around and tried to get the credit card of him but I tripped on his outstretched foot.

Luckily he was still trying to get the credit card so I quickly swiped it out of his hand, I ran triumphantly over to the lady and handed her the card. I turned around with a smug expression on my face, Ashton was still on the ground with a shocked expression.

It was almost as though it had been timed perfectly, we both just looked and watched the realisation of what had just happened wash over us, and both burst into fits of laughter.

"Sign or Pin," The lady said in a very unamused voice causing us to both laugh even harder.

"Pin," I managed to say between laughs, she handed me the machine and I quickly put my pin in, still looking at us she handed me the receipt and said, "Don't have too much fun,"

We walked out of the shop still, literally, dying of laughter, "Don't have too much fun," I imitated in the slowest and most boring voice possible causing us to both to erupt in laughter again.

"Hey can we swing past my place, I want to get changed and I pack a couple of things instead of this time me borrowing your sister's underwear," I said smiling and raising my eyebrow at him as I unlocked my car.

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