Chapter 35: Flashbacks and Couches

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 35

Flashbacks and Couches

-Ashton's POV-


God dammit! I thought to myself as I slammed the hotel door, but instead of it closing like I normally would it just rebounded and opened back up. But at this point I couldn't care less, but what if Louise came in? What would she think? Doesn't matter anyway, all she ever does is hurt Claire.

With my inward mention of her name I threw my jacket down on the bed, why was this happening? I have a girlfriend! And now Claire has a boyfriend, I closed my eyes and sighed as I tried to push away my emotions.

Is this really what I put her through when she found out about Louise? I stopped and looked around the room as the thought of her sitting at home, screaming and kicking things in furry emerged in my brain. Man she would have looked hot.

Focus! You shouldn't be thinking these things! You're in a relationship! She's in a relationship. I groaned and ran a hand through my hair. This was all so bloody messed up. But the thought of her sitting at home upset made me numb to the bone.

Rose had told me a couple of days later how much of a bad shape she was actually in. God, I couldn't believe I had put her through all that!

And to think, I didn't even really like Louise anymore! If people didn't know we were dating then they would probably think that I wanted nothing to do with her.

And just as I thought this, all the times that she had hurt or said something bad about Claire or to me came flooding back. I kicked the foot of the sofa that I had migrated towards. I didn't want anything to do with her! All she ever did was cause someone pain whether it be me or Claire or someone else. And it was all to get what she wanted.

"Hey why is the door wide open?" said a chirpy voice from behind me. I turned around to see who it was, speak of the devil. It was Louise.

"Doesn't matter," I said walking away from her and into the bedroom hoping that she would get the hint a leave. But in the true Louise nature she followed after me.

"Hey, you still in a bad mood," she asked sounding concerned and offended all wrapped into one joyous bundled of emotions.

I just ignored her and began to fiddle with some clothes that lay next to my bed, pretending to be attempting to clean the confusion of Luke and I's scattered mess of clothes.

"Come on, why don't we..." began Louise but when she put her hand on my shoulder I quickly pulled away from her touch.

"Ash, please tell me what's going on otherwise I can't help!" she said as she stepped in front of my and tried to get my attention.

"It doesn't matter," I snapped quietly and walked out of the room towards the door to show her out, right now she was the last person I wanted to be with. All she did was remind me of the stupid decisions I had made over the past few months and the confused that continued to course through my veins.

As expect, however, she followed me and persisted in staying and trying to pick apart my brain. Which wasn't going to happen any time soon, even if I let it. I couldn't even figure my own shit out.

"Of course it does, I'm your girlfriend!" she said in a mothering tone as she tried to cup my face, but before she could I spat out.

"Yeah, that's the problem," said quietly as I looked down at my fidgeting fingers nervously, what was I doing?

She looked absolutely shell shocked, she stumbled back a bit before catching herself in a seemingly dazed manner.

"How could you say that?" she whispered, matching my tone, obviously deeply hurt by my words. Guilt immediately knocked at my chest, I had dragged her half way across the world and all the while I obviously had feelings for someone else.

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