Chapter 23: Guilt and Rude Words

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 23

Guilt and Rude Words

-Claire’s POV-

I felt the familiar glare of the sun hit my face and I pulled a blanket over my face as I tried to recollect the memories from last night. Oh yeah, I basically just sold out the super famous boy of whom I had been kissing without anyone’s knowledge to the media. It was official I was a horrible person.

I groaned and squinted one eye open to see disappearing figure of Molly walk down the hallway and toward the source of the tantalising smell that was wafting down the corridor making my stomach grumble. I rubbed my other, closed eye in as I made some weak attempted to get up, to unfortunately no success.

“Hey Claire,” said the exhausted voice of Calum, I looked over to where he was standing, well rolling out of his bunk.

“Morning,” I said sleepily before I stretched my arms out and collapsed back onto the lounge which I had kind of adopted as my bed on this tour bus. Which turned out to be a bad idea as I felt my back collide with my laptop which was not-so conveniently place. Caused me to sit back up and look around sadly until I met the amuse look plastered across Calum’s.

I scowled at him as he made his way over and sat down next to me. “You slept in as well I’m guessing,” He said looking down at all my, now, scattered papers which made up my work station. I put a hand up to my chest and gasped, “You know me so well!” causing us both to tiredly laugh.

“You didn’t get a good sleep last night?” I asked in a more serious tone turning to face him and watched as he looked down at his lap and began to sombrely fidget with the hem on his top. I nudged his shoulder before saying, “It’s okay you can tell me,” He looked up at me and smiled sadly before he shrugged his shoulders and remarked.

“I don’t know I guess I’m just a little bit homesick,” I smiled sadly at him as he laughed bitterly to himself.

“It happens to the best of us,” I said thinking about how much I had missed home when I first got kicked out.

“It just feels stupid, I mean most kids my age would be dying to get out and see the world not even giving a second though of home and here I am doing what I love getting to see parts of the world I never thought I would get to experience and I’m missing home,” He said taking in a breath after his mini speech.

We sat in silence for a moment, me not knowing how to respond to him at first but slowly I began to say, “It gets better believe me, you’ll get used to it and it was become just like driving out to Maca’s,” I said laughing a little at the last part. He shrugged and looked up from his hands, “But that’s the problem, I don’t want to get used to it. I’m afraid one day I’ll forget to want to go home all together,” And like before our conversation faded back into silence, neither of us noticing being too caught up in our thoughts. Luckily Michael came in sometime later to snap us out of our contemplation, “If you guys don’t come out now you might miss breakfast all together,” He said before quickly walking back down the hallway to re-join the others.

We both looked over at each other and I stood up and said, “We should probably go before Luke or Michael devour all the food,” He smiled before stand up and declaring at me, “Not if I do first!” and sprinted off down the hallway, with me hot on his tail.

The breakfast was quiet with everyone either being exhausted from all-nighters or the shows the boys had to perform. It had crossed my mind how long it was going to take to slowly take its toll out in the boys. And as I looked around the small table I had decided that we just needed to get out and get some fresh air in our lungs and get up to our old shenanigans that we use to get up to. But first I had some apologising to get up to.

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