Chapter 7: Hangover's and Lost Memories

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Chapter 7

At the Wrong time

Hangover's and Lost Memories

-Claire's POV-

"We're going on tour with One Direction," He said excitedly, I could hear all the boys cheering in the background.

I just stood there for a moment, my mouth open agape, "Truly," Ashton nodded the smile on his face still growing bigger every second. "If you guys are lying then I will chop off all your balls!" I said, they laughed I looked back around a Molly and said, "Did you know?" She just shook her head, her face still covered in disbelief.

"Here look," Said Calum, I turned around and looked at his outstretched phone, it was a video of One Direction announcing that they will be taking the boys on their Take Me Home Tour. I just stood there for a moment hands over my mouth, I looked up at the four boys. They would soon be on stage, in front of thousands of people sharing their music, pride began to swell into my chest and fill my whole body.

Without thinking what I was doing, I leapt forward and flung my arms around Ashton's neck, he immediately reacted and picked me up and twirled me around, causing me to laugh, so now I was standing inside his house, not on the doorstep. We stood there for a moment, hugging, just the two of us. I closed my eyes and took in his scent, he smelt like sweat and a sweet smell which oddly reminded me of vanilla.

I soon felt more and more arms and bodies begin to pile on top of us, creating a massive and highly squishy group hug. After a minute or two I decided that yes, I actually couldn't breathe, so I managed to wiggle my way out of the hug and I collapsed onto the ground to regain my breath. I laughed as I saw the confusion of the group when having one less member.

Then I saw Michael turn his head in my direction before he shouted out, "She's escaped! Get her!" And then all hell broke loose.

Once the others figured out what he meant the group hug dispersed and I had five slightly crazy boys running after me. I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran away laughing, we were probably the weirdest human beings that ever existed.

I quickly ran into the lounge room and turned around to see that they were right behind me, I push the footrest into their direction causing Luke to come toppling over on top of it. And just about every other person behind him.

I ran over to the couch and looked around again to see that Calum who was at the back was running around the footrest. I quickly jumped up and over the couch and ran through another doorway which leads back into the entrance. I looked over into the kitchen only to see Molly rummaging around the kitchen, "Hey do you know where the glasses are?" I turned around to see the rest of the boys were almost at the doorway, "Top right cabinet," I said as I quickly ran up the small set of stairs and into Ashton sister's room and hid between the bed and the closet.

I peeked out from the cupboard to see the boys walk straight past and into the bathroom and Ashton's room. I took my chance and quietly began to creep out of her room and down the stairs.

"Oh no, you don't!" I quickly turned around to see Calum running towards me, I literally jumped down the rest of the steps and ran to the other steps that led down to the garage that doubles as their practise room. As soon as I got to the bottom step I realised that I had nowhere to go, I ran to the side of the room to see if I could find the switch to open the garage door, no such luck. I quickly whipped around to see that Calum was about five feet away, I squealed, yes squealed, and quickly ran towards the staircase only to realise that I was being blocked off by Michael.

I looked behind me to see Calum with a triumphant smile on his face, I turned back around to face Michael to notice that now Luke and Ashton had joined us and were standing to my left and right. I put my head down and raised my arms in defeat.

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