Chapter 9: Interviews and Panicking (I mean a LOT!)

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 9

Interviews and Panicking (I mean a lot!)

-Claire's POV-

Take a deep breath Claire, I thought to myself as I adjusted the length of my dress. It was about five minutes until I had to start my interview and I was literally shaking. If I blew it this it would be the most embarrassing thing in my life but on the flip side, if I got the job it could open up a whole new world of opportunities for me.

Just as I was about to get up for the third time for a glass of water I felt my phone buzz, I zipped open my purse and checked the message.

'Ash: Good luck today on your interview, we all know you will do brilliantly but just in case the interview seems to be going pear-shaped, just strip for them! ;D'

I laughed at his message, but I'm glad he sent it, surprisingly, it made me feel much less nervous. I quickly typed a reply.

'ClaireBear: Thank you for those words of wisdom Ash! I'm sure I'll use that technique someday to get what I want, but the interviewer is a straight 40-year-old woman so, I'll save that for later. ;P '

I turned my phone off so I didn't buzz during the interview and went back to fixing up either my hair or my dress.

A couple of minutes went by until a middle-aged looking woman came out along with a boy who looked around my age. I recognised that long burnt amber hair and that well-built, hunched figure anywhere, what was Patrick doing here?

"Claire?" He said looking up, I gulped trying to avoid eye contact with him but still trying to look as though I wasn't bothered by his presence.

"Ah, Miss Claire Adams, right this way," She said walking back into the room, I followed her quickly, so Patrick couldn't say or doing anything, and closed the door behind me.

The room was a decent size with a couple of plants scattered around the room, some filing cabinets and of course of office desk that backed onto a giant glass window that covered the whole back wall.

I tried to push my nerves down to the pit of my stomach as I sat down in front of her. The lady who had summoned me in sat down at the desk and quickly typed something in on the computer.

"Now, as you know I am the editor of the magazine, Belinda Forest. Firstly, I just want you to know that you are one of the most unqualified people for this job," She said looking at me for some kind of reaction, the good thing was I had a talent to remain emotionless on the outside but still freak out on the inside. What the heck was she trying to pull? That is the last thing you say to someone in these kinds of situations!

"Well at least I know you can handle high-pressure situations," She said looking back at her computer typing something, shit, that's it. I'm a goner!

"So you realise that you will have to travel around a lot for this job," I nodded, she looked at me for another moment making my nerves grow bigger and bigger. "But I mean it would all be worth it, I mean considering how high the pay is," I shrugged again.

"I didn't apply for this job for the money," she hesitated to type and looked up at me, "I applied because I want to do what I love," I said smiling, nailed it.

"So here it says you received 97 in your HSC, where your parents not upset that you didn't take up a career like a Doctor or a Lawyer?" She said inquisitively, took a deep breath, it hadn't already taken me off the consideration list then she sure as hell was about too, "No, my parents have no clue as to what I'm doing," I said hoping she would drop the topic, but no, "Oh really, and why's that?" She said preparing to type something on her laptop.

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