Chapter 12: Meet and Greet

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 12

Meet and Greet

-Claire’s POV-

It had been around a week and a half since I found out about Louise and Ashton, not that I was counting or anything in fact I was trying to distract myself as much as possible. Whether it was typing up templates for articles, signing papers or watch re-runs of Pretty Little Liars, I was all up in it. Lately I had also started to develop a stronger friendship with Calum. Just because I was, well I actually don’t know what I felt, and just beacuse I wasn't excatly on the friendliest terms with Ashton, doesn’t mean that I could hang out with the others.

And well Luke was either at his last few days of year twelve or with Rose, and god knows what they get up to on their own, and then there was Michael who was either playing video games, eating or doing both and I sucked at video games and he would eat all the food so that left Calum. And don’t get me wrong I didn’t just go through my contacts and ruled people out he was actually the first person I thought of when all the paper work and drafts were finished and I had watched the three season twice each. Well except Ashton of course, but then again I hadn’t been able to get him out my mind, no matter how loud I played the music his laughter just replayed over in my head and no matter how I hard I tried to figure out all the plot twists on PLL I still though of how I hadn’t been able to figure out the plot twists in my life.

“What do you want?” Said a familiar croaky voice into the phone, I rolled my eyes, oblivious to the fact that he couldn’t see me, and laughed, “Well good morning to you to, did you only just get up?” I asked.

“No you woke me up,” snapped Calum, of course it was 10:50 and he still wasn’t out of bed.

“Hey don’t snap at me mister! You told me to call you at 10:30 to wake you up, happy birthday it’s almost eleven,” There was a pause on the other end of the phone followed by a string of swear words, of which I will not repeat but I’m sure you can all imagine.

“What do you have a date or something?” I said rolling my eyes as I changed the phone from on shoulder to the other as I opened the fridge to get the remains of my banana smoothie, I cringed as I touched it, as much as it reminded me of Ashton, but I loved them too much to give them up.

There was nothing on the other end of the phone for a moment before he answered, “No I’m meeting up with some people,” I rolled my eyes again, something I had been doing a lot of in the past two days.

“Like who,” there was another pause.

“I’m not supposed to tell you…” He trailed off, I sighed into the phone, and there had been a lot of not sharing information of late, and look where that got me. “But, I’ll tell you anyway!” He said brightly I laughed at his dude swing.

“Were meeting with….” The last part he whispered so I couldn’t hear, “Pardon?” I said slightly annoyed, great now he had gotten me all curious, these was a pause before I heard probably the last thing I ever would considering how loud he shouted, “ONE DIRECTION!”

“Shit! Calum!” I said shouting, I couldn’t hear above the ringing in my ear, I heard him laugh in the other end at my reaction which then caused me to start laughing.

“What are they doing over here?” I asked before I took a sip of my smoothie.

“Well they can’t just invite a bunch of random strangers on tour if they’ve never met them,” he said with a ‘duh’ tone, I laughed before I responded.

“Wait, you’ve never actually talked to them?” I heard him laugh on the other end before replying.

“No we’ve skyped them but they wanted to actually meet us in person before we have to spend the next nine months together,” I nodded despite the fact he could see me.

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