Chapter 20: Arguments and Make Ups

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 20

Arguments and Make Ups

-Claire’s POV-

I squinted as I tried to block out the sun which had just risen over the building we were currently parked in front of. I looked down at the cups which I was currently cleaning, most of which were from the numerous cups of tea I had last night in an attempt to keep me awake. And no I don’t like coffee, so I was pretty much screwed, but somehow I managed to get the article done, check it multiple times for errors before I sent it off the editors to hopefully be published in the next issue of Vintage Affair, hopefully.

I up at the window again, forgetting that the sun was shining right in my face, but quickly looked back down at the soapy sink. Also because I had been trying to avoid any mirror or reflective object so that I would have to look at my sleep deprived reflection.

After I finished cleaning up I looked around, everyone had been up for a couple of hours now and had all left to get breakfast leaving the bus kitchen a mess and me to clean it up. But just as I had finished getting changed, and applying around three different coats of concealer and foundation to try and hide my sleepless skin, I heard the familiar, loud, voices of my friends approaching the tour bus. I walked out of the small bathroom, zipping my makeup bag shut and walked over to wear one of my overnight bags were located.

“Hey Claire!” Calum said quickly as him and Michael raced to the back room, to go play on the PS3 or something. I closed my bag and looked up at entrance where Rose was walking in with a smile on her face, laughing at something Molly or someone had said. But her look quickly changed when she saw my sour facial expression, she looked down at her feet and muttered something to Luke and Molly, who was who she had been talking to and walked back outside. They looked at each other confused for a moment for looking forward and saw me standing and looking at the scene unfold, guilt and anger.

I looked away so I didn’t have to watch the realisation form on their faces but curiosity got the best of me. I looked at Molly as she slowly walked past me with a sad smile on her face but kept walking to the backroom where Michael and Calum were facing it off, probably on Fifa or something predictable like that. I looked back and saw Luke walking towards me, looking down at the ground, crap I was about to get a smack down from an upset boyfriend who was almost a foot and a bit taller than me.

I looked down and went to walk away, “Claire, just listen for a second,” He said, I turned around to look at his meek smile plastered onto his face. I sighed and uncrossed my arms form over my chest only to place on holding my forehead, “Sure, go ahead,” There was silence for a second while he thought what he was going to say, obviously he thought he would have been able to get this far with me without me erupting into a ball of anger and fury.

“Look I know something happened between you and Rose yesterday,” he began awkwardly, yeah no kidding real shit went down Luke! Of course I didn’t have the heart to say something like that. “And Rose has this weird thing where,” he paused not knowing exactly how to phrase the sentence, “She doesn’t like knowing someone is mad or hates her, unless their just an overall bitch but,” he said causing us both to laugh lightly at the last part. “I know this is a big ask but I was wondering if you could just please just talk to each other and try to figure some sort of agreement, I’m sure it wasn’t that big a deal either!” he said sounding happy that he had said what he wanted to.

I looked at him shocked for a moment, even if he doesn’t know what we had fought about he can’t just so expect girls to kiss and makeup, you need to let them do that in their own time. And if anything telling them to forgive each other doesn’t help, and it wasn’t helping. I re-crossed my arms over my chest and basically summed up what I had just been thinking, “Luke, as nice as that little monolog was you can’t just expect us to be best friends automatically, these kinds of things take time to sink in and let the person properly get over it before any forgiving can happen,” I said calming down at the last part.

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