Chapter 42: Sam

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At The Wrong Time

Chapter 42: Sam

-Rose's POV-

"I know people say High School can be scary, especially starting at a new school midway through the year but Sam proved to me, connection and ease could be instantaneous if you met the right people,"

"So was that how you met the boys, through Sam?" Claire asked gesturing over her shoulder to the makeup table.

But I just shook my head.


With the canteen lines their usual unbearable length, Sam and I had decided to sneak away to the nearest Service Station to grab something to eat.

The waves of heat rolled off the bare road and reflected up across her skin, which seemed to glow in these conditions. Even though she complained about her 'brown skin' and her 'brown hair' and 'brown eyes' she looked like polished metal under the harsh Australian sun.

They made sure to spend as much time 'browsing' the isles of treats even to spend another second longer in the air-conditioned haven that the store was providing. So even though plenty of customers had come and gone in their time these two boys proved an unexpected arrival.

Rose couldn't hide the smirk that rose on her face upon seeing Luke's nervous figure on the opposite side of the glass, with Calum not too far behind.


"It turned out Luke was trying to arrange for us to run in, to give us chances to chat but while our story proved a little more complicated than that, the whole thing worked out pretty well for Sam and Calum,"


"Look at those two," Sam said, gesturing with her Oreo packet towards Luke who was attempting not to make a fool of himself in front of Rose, who just stood by seeming very amused by the whole situation.

Calum attention snapped away from the chip flavour choices he was currently surveying. Trailing over the distantly familiar face of the girl he recognised from Geography, she eyed him keenly as he did so.

"Dancing around the edge of a volcano," she muttered vaguely, as though she was vastly experienced with such matters herself.

"What makes you say that?" he asked, looking down at the chip packet he had grabbed instinctively.

"Just you wait, in a weeks time she'll convince herself she has some reason to hate him even if he did do anything, that's just who she is," she shrugged in a blasé attitude.

"But you've only known her since start of term," he responded, confused as to how she could seem to be sure, he knew he'd never been that convinced about anything.

"But I've known Luke since year seven, you too don't forget," she remarked slyly, he could feel the back of his neck heat up, despite the air vent just above his head.

"It's Calum by the way," he responded with a half wave, sucking a wave of air in as he did so.

"I know, we've been in the same core class for two years," she remarked with a humorous grin on her face, sidestepping him to move towards the counter.

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