Chapter 45: Farewell's and Appartments

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At The Wrong Time

Chapter 45: Farewell's and Appartments

Claire's POV

The last few days of the tour had arrived, all the arrangements for moving in had finally been settled at three o'clock this morning. Louis had fallen asleep halfway through the night and luckily for the both of us, I was able to manage the rest of the time on my own.

The tension was still high with Ashton and we avoided each other as best we could, normally one of us finding some excuse when the other entered the room and this most definitely didn't go unnoticed. Pretty much anyone in our vicinity could tell we had iced each other out again and while I was determined that this would be the last and final time, Molly, of course, had a different idea.

"Is this really the note you want to end the tour on? Come on I know he's really torn up about his fight and I can tell you are too," Molly prodded attempting once again to force a reconciliation between the pair of us.

"Really cause he's not acting like it, in fact, I can guarantee you he's only upset because I am not even because he's realised what he was saying was unfair and was purposefully trying to get a rise out of me!" I reasoned back, easily still getting worked up over what had become an extremely contentious issue for me.

"Isn't the fact that he's miserable and wants to fix things between the two of you enough?" She querried back genuinely pouring her heart into the question, another last-ditch attempt to get me to change my mind.

And while she usually succeeded on that front, I was determined in my response and too fixated on my reasoning to be pushed around.

"Not this time, he has to learn that his actions have consequences and his words can actually hurt people," Molly huffed out a sigh as she let herself fall back onto the couch who's arm she had been sitting on for the past half hour while the boys had been sound checking.

"You're not the person who can teach him that lesson, it should be something he learns for himself not something that's inflicted upon him," she attempted to reason again, tilting just her head up to face me so that she was making several double chins, coercing a stifled laugh out of my mouth.

"If I don't then no one will, besides if he's going to act like a child he's going to be treated like one," I remarked, tilting my head unapologetically at her.

"Who's acting like a child?" Louis said the door opening just as he spoke the words, evidently, our voicing having been carried down the hallway enough for him to grab those snippets.

"Surprisingly not you for a change," I remarked with a grin, jumping out of the armchairs embrace an into his.

"Well, that certainly does sound a bit out of the ordinary!" he exclaimed pulling a funny face while he did, causing a laugh to break out of my belly.

"I'm glad I'm leaving her in your care, you'll do a much better job of looking after her," Molly remarked relaxing further into the folds of the couch.

"That's because I was the one doing the looking after," I shot back, spinning Louis so I could see Molly who had now found some sheet of paper to balance atop her face.

She just waved a hand in response, the two of us laughed at her dismissal.

"Well, I hope you'll wake up long enough to at least watch the last show of tour," Louis commented, she just hummed in response as I rolled my eyes as a melancholy smile overcame my face as my eyes drifted over her unusually peaceful form.

"Maybe take a few photos too, considering that's what your getting paid for," I mentioned slyly.

It was enough to get her to perk up enough to sit up in a bolt of energy, practically stumbling out of the room to grab her equipment.

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