Chapter 8: Cleaning and Smells

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 8

-Claire's POV-

We still couldn't figure out what we wanted to get for breakfast and for the people that originally weren't hungry, they now were. We were in the middle of a massive debate between someone cooking, me, or getting McDonald's.

Lauren poked her head into the room and said, "Probably not that it matters but Mum and Harry are coming home in twenty," She said, smiled and disappeared again.

We all looked at each other for a moment before subconsciously deciding that breakfast could wait and ran down the stairs that led to the practise room and began a massive clean-up.

Furniture was rearranged, bottles and pizza boxes were thrown out, "When did we get pizza?" I said holding up a half-empty box of pizza that I had found under the couch.

Ashton answered, "About 10 last night," he said shrugging and went back to putting bottles into a garbage bag he was holding, everyone stopped and stared at him.

"What?" he said when he looked back up and saw us all staring.

"How do you remember that? Or Anything?" Said Rose dumbfounded, I had a funny feeling she got the drunkest out of all of us, she took Ashton's share of painkillers.

He shrugged and went back to cleaning up bottles, "What happened?" I asked him curiously, for some reason I felt as though I was missing something, I really hated not knowing or remembering something. Molly said that was why I wanted to be a journalist, because I wanted to know everything and then tell everyone else.

He stopped moving for a moment and looked up at me shocked, I looked at him confused. "Nothing, why?" he said quickly, too quickly, as though he was hiding something.

As curious as I was I hated invading people's privacy so instead of demanding to know I just shrugged it off and replied, "Just curious that's all."

The clean-up probably took around half an hour to an hour so I had a funny feeling that Mrs Irwin wouldn't be coming home for a while. Once we were done we walked back upstairs to continue our argument about breakfast. Thankfully, in the end, we settled on McDonald's and as if on cue Lauren stuck her head back in again. "Since your all going to Mcdonald's I'll have the hotcakes thanks!" and as she did last time disappeared.

Ashton shook his head and grabbed a set of key, I assumed were his car keys, of the kitchen counter and began to walk towards the door before he turned around and said, "We going or what?" But just as he finished his sentence the sound of the door being unlocked stopped anyone from answering.

He stepped back just as the door opened to reveal a boy, who looked around ten, bolt past us and up the stairs to his room, and then finally a middle-aged woman with blonde hair walked through the door placing her keys down on a small wooden table located next to the door.

We looked back at her and stood there with the guiltiest expressions on our faces, thoughts racing through our mind like, What if she looks in the garbage bin? What if downstairs still smells like alcohol? What if we still smell like alcohol?

"Hi Ash, Oh! I didn't know you had friends over!" She said. I looked over at the others who still had the same expressions wiped across their face.

"Yeah, we were just on the way out to get some breakie," He said shrugging, but even I could see how nervous he was in case she found out what happened last night.

She had a disappointed look on her face, but she just shrugged, "Ok, but be back home soon, I'm going out with Jack and I need you to look after Lauren and Harry, I have a funny feeling if they keep going over to their friends' houses their friends are going to get sick of them," Ash just shrugged before replying, "Kay," Then turning to us, "Let's go," and with that we left.

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