Chapter 44: White Noise and Announcements

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At The Wrong Time

Chapter 44: White Noise and Announcements

Claire's POV

"Wh-what?" I managed to stutter, pushing back as much shock as I could possibly hold back.

"Boys get ready! Louis get over here!" A stage manager shouted from some unknown corner of the building, my attention wasn't on him though.

Louis let his hands fall away from our embrace and I quickly mirrored his actions as he shouted some form of reply indistinguishable in my foggy mind.

"Just think about it yeah?" He asked a hand coming up to cup my cheek cleared some of the fog, enough for me to see his retreating figure as he ran towards the stage.

"What was that about?" Molly asked sauntering up to my side, she shouldering shrugging suggestively as she eventually bumped into me, nearly causing me to topple over.

"I-I, uh, I'm not quite sure honestly," I stuttered out, clearly shaken off guard my mind constantly having to reboot itself to even try to distinguish if that even happened.

She peered me up and down for a moment before linking our arms.

"Common let's talk in the break room?" She offered, already putting pressure on my arm in the direction leading away from the stage.

I nodded quickly waiting till she looked away before I snuck a glance at the Aussie boys as they clambered off the stage. My eyes caught Ashton's usual intense stare that this time was filled with concern. I just shied away from his inspection looking quickly down at the floor then up in the direction we walked to avoid stumbling along the way.

I paced into the centre of the room, my arms clinging to my elbows when Molly shut the door with enough force to let anyone know not to intrude.

"What's going on?" She queried hurrying over to me, urging me to spill out whatever was causing so much contempt, I took a deep sigh before I could continue.

"Louis asked me to move in with him," I muttered trying to keep my voice as low as possible, in case someone happened to walk past at the least operative time. Particularly someone who I wouldn't want to know just yet.

"WHAT?" Molly practically screamed her excitement for all to hear, I rushed over and placed a hurried hand over part of her mouth, nearly missing it altogether in the first place.

"Shhhh! Shut up! He said to think about it so technically I guess there's a difference," I tried to frantically reason with her, of course to no avail this was Molly after all.

"Even so, Claire! Holy shit this is huge! What are you going to do?" She asked, bombarding me with statements and questions onto an already confused mind.

"I don't know Molly! I mean, we live miles apart this would be a huge step," I frustratedly reasoned, she just rolled her eyes at my seeming stupidity in response.

"Exactly so how long do you reckon it's gonna last if you go back home to Australia after tours over, it finishes in less than a month," she responded, I could tell she would already have a rebuttal for any point I could present.

"So why couldn't he come back with us for like, I don't know...a holiday?" I asked but her judgemental stare already told me I was in for it.

"He's got a family you know?" She remarked crossing her arms.

"And I've got you guys! How could I ditch my family?" I attempted to play on her emotions, but it seemed like she wouldn't budge.

"Claire, I'll obviously come for you Birthday, which is only a month after tour and then it's a month until Christmas after that and I'm sure I could wrangle a few people into coming over for a white Christmas," she said with a smirk on her face.

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