Epilogue: Last Days and Sweet Nothings

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At The Wrong Time

Epilogue: Last Days and Sweet Nothings

Claire's POV

His now bronze arms wrapped around my waist for what I could convince myself was the last time, even though I knew there was still more time when we finally got back home to Australia. But the start of the new tour grew increasingly closer as the days passed.

For the moment though I could enjoy the feeling of his warm body against the back of mine, the LA air settling over us on the final night of our stay.

"The most we'll be apart will be four months," Ash murmured solemnly, knowing where my mind had drifted to, as he usually did these days.

I hummed in response, nestling closer to him in our embrace.

"That's still four times the time I was in England for," I joked darkly knowing he would stiffen a little at the mention of that time.

"I won't give up on this, we both fought too hard to get here, imagine letting a little time and distance get in between us," he muttered placing a soft kiss under my ear, a small smile blooming on my face.

"I don't think I'll miss you all as terribly this time, I know what to expect from school and work and I've got people I can reach out to and reconnect with, I think this time will be okay," I muttered my mouth spilling out everything I'd been contemplating on for the past few weeks.

"Four months," he murmured again running the number over in my head, "Next time it'll be our own tour we can take you on, then neither of us have to be alone," he considered, trying to wish his dreams into reality.

"We've got our families, I just have to make mine a little bigger," I commented craning my neck to smile up at him, he quickly pressed his lips to mine, never failing to take whatever opportunities showed up

"You know what I heard from Calum the other day?" I posed to him, looking back out at the familiar view from our LA home.

"What's that?" He asked, biting at the bait.

"That the song you showed me that day was actually written by the Madden Brothers," I looked up again at him sending him a judgy look before turning back the horizon the city lights bring down the stars to hang amidst the city.

A thoughtful silence fell over us for a moment.

"It was a beautiful coincidence, just like you," he mused letting the music of LA fill the gaps of conversation as the calls of our home beckon us back to her.

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