Chapter 5: Breakfast and Drums

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 5

-Claire's POV-

I tried to roll over but ended up smacking my face on something, I groaned and opened my eyes. It was a couch, as I rolled and almost fell off the mysterious couch, which smelt like cologne and sweat, gross.

I opened my eyes and sighed a breath of relief, I hadn't been kidnapped and forced to sleep on a smelly couch, I was at Ash's house. I looked down at Molly who was sleeping on a mattress made of pillows, Ash, who I think was sleeping on top of a sleeping bag, Rose who was sharing a mattress with Luke and Calum who was sleeping on another couch. And at this current point in time I had no clue where Michale was located, he was probably asleep on the ground behind one of the couches.

My eyes slowly trailed over all the sleeping people until they came to rest on Ashton. His hair was a dishevelled mess, he was partially smiling, just enough so you could see his dimples, he was lying on his side facing me and Molly and you could hear his deep heavy breaths indicating that he was sound asleep.

For a moment I just lay there looking at him, he seemed to be so untouched by his tragic past, in fact, if he hadn't had told me about it yesterday I wouldn't been able to guess it in a million years. That was until I looked just pasted him to see that Rose was looking at me. She had her eyebrow raised and was staring me dead in the eye if she said anything I reckon it would be, 'Really?'

I quickly looked away, not wanting to make this any more awkward than it already was, and got up from the mildly uncomfortable couch, stretched and began the exhausting climb up the steps.

As I stood at the top of the steps I looked around, not really knowing what to do, that was until I felt my stomach grumble.

I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge, there was some milk, butter, eggs and other foods which weren't necessary for a breakfast. I grabbed the milk, eggs and butter and put them out on a kitchen counter. I then walked over to the pantry and saw exactly what I needed, I smiled

"Oh my god, is someone making pancakes?" said Michael as he emerged at the top of the steps.

I smiled as I added another one to my second stack of pancakes, "And banana smoothies!" I said holding up my glass, of which I had consumed half.

"Smoothies?" Said Molly who was walking over towards the kitchen, "and Pancakes!" said Michael who had grabbed one of the plates and began eating on.

"Oi! Stop thinking with your stomach and help set the table to please," I said, he pulled a sad face and put his head down as he reluctantly walked over to the table and placed the plate down.

"Good boy!" I said smiling before I passed him another plate.

Over the next ten minutes, the rest of the group slowly started to trickle upstairs, everyone except Ashton and Rose. I looked over at the table, everyone looked as though they were going to implode if they didn't eat something.

"I'll go get the others, you guys can start," I said as I began to walk towards the steps. I smiled as I heard the scraping of plates and the clinking of glasses as people tried to get the food as quickly as possible.

As I began walking down the steps the sounds from the breakfast table slowly fading and the sounds of an argument began to grow louder and louder.

"You can't lie to yourself and her any longer!" Said Rose exasperatedly, I began to make my steps slower and quieter. I heard a loud sigh, Ashton.

"I'm not lying to anyone Rose!" he said in a frustrated, tired voice. "You're not that stupid Ash, she's beginning to fall for you!" I drew a sharp breath, who were they talk about? For a brief moment, I considered that it could be me, but I quickly shook that thought out of my head. Not wanting to hear any more, I quickly finished walking down the steps, loudly so that they would hear me and hopefully stop.

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