Chapter: 17 Showtime and Starbucks

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 17

Showtime and Starbucks

-Claire’s POV-

It was ten minutes before the boys had to go on stage and they were freaking out, Louise was trying to calm Ashton down who was pacing up and down the room, probably having second doubts about this whole thing, Rose was talking to Luke, I was working calming down Calum and Molly, who might I say was the only one doing a good job at calming their assigned person down, was cracking jokes with Michael.

“Hey you guys are going to be spectacular! You’ve backed up other people before, you know how this works,” I said standing behind Calum massaging his shoulder like those weird coaches do on those fake wrestling shows. I just saw him nod.

I turned around and watched as I door opened and the security guard came in signalling that it was time for the boys to go on stage. They all started to walk out of the room nervously I smiled at them all and saluted Luke because he looked extra nervous. When it came to Ashton he slowed down once he got to me as though he was expecting something more. But for a moment I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so he just looked away disappointed and walked out.

I immediately felt bad so I quickly ran out and grabbed his arm, he turned around and looked me in the eyes and I could feel my heart beat quicken as I looked into his light hazel eyes.

“You’ll do brilliantly, your unbelievably talented and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” I said before letting go of his arm, for a moment he didn’t move. But the security guard called out his name so he gave me one last quick look of appreciation before running off after the others leaving me standing in the hallway watching him disappear around the corner.

“What did you tell him?” Louise asked, after he was gone, in an almost sinister way, I turned around surprised I hadn’t heard anyone approach me. I just shrugged before I answered, “I just wished him good luck,” I said casually, if she had actually heard what I had said she would take it the wrong way and probably make a scene out of it.I saw Rose and Molly run out of the room and past me so they could watch the boys backstage, I gave Louise one last quick smile before I turned around and ran after them.

What can I say, the boys rocked it. They came of as slightly nervous at first but once they got into it, they really got into it. Once Luke introduced that they were going to play Gotta Get Out I turned around to smile at Louise, I had also been doing some thinking about the whole Louise situation. And I completely understood where she was coming from, I mean if something like that happened to me I would probably act the same way, well except a lot less melodramatic in some of the situation,  considering if someone wrote a song for a I would be ecstatic to see them perform it on stage in front of loads of people.

But she wasn’t there, I looked around in confusion, she had been standing behind me a minute ago during their cover of I Miss you by Blink 182. Wait wasn’t that three songs ago, I turned around and asked Molly if she had seen her but she just shrugged and continued to dance along to the song.

I went back to dancing and singing the lyrics with the other girls but for the rest of the song I just could get the weird feeling out of my head. And I was right to have it, after the song had finished and they began to play Heartbreak Girl I saw the familiar blonde mop of hair over by the technician’s station. She was talking to one of the boys who was controlling the PA system. Wait was she flirting with him?

I watched as she laughed at something he said and began to twirl a piece of her hair in her hands. I felt my blood begin to boil and every thought of trying to make things right with her vanished from my mind. She could just act all protective and concerned about my relationship with Ashton with she was flirting with every male specimen she saw! While she was in a relationship with him! God this woman had some nerve!

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