Chapter 11: The Painful Truth and Comfort Food

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 11

The Painful Truth and Comfort Food

-Claire’s POV-

I hurt, to think that he could have let this happen without saying one word. Every time I looked out that window even for a second it felt like knives in my back. I could feel the disappointment welling up inside me, I couldn’t believe I had let myself fall for him, only to be caught in one big love triangle. I took a breath in and stood up, suddenly a wave of anger washed over me.

How could he do this to me?! Does he do the kinds of thing he did for me to every girl? Every touch, every moment was leading up to this great, big bomb. I looked around the house, angry tears obscuring my view, everything reminded me of the moments that we had, but all that was obliterated in a single moment, one single look and everything was gone. Every feeling, hope crushed.

I looked outside the window again, letting the wave of anger crash into me and fill me up. I walked over and opened the door quietly, I felt the cold wind whip across my body, blowing my hair out of my face. Yep, it wasn’t just an illusion created by my worst nightmares, it was a reality.

“So I guess the pizza didn’t come early,” I snapped glaring at them as if to say, if looks could kill I would be knocking over you tomb stone, they quickly broke apart. I looked at Ashton, his hair all whipped up from the wind and possibly the girls hand, I watched as realisation washed over his face. I looked away from his face, I didn’t want to look at him, speaking of the girl though, I looked over at the girl standing next to him, their arms still wrapped around each other’s waists, and I felt more knives in my back.

She still looked the same, except her hair was now shorter more of a bob, her honey blonde hair, her petite figure, much like my own, and everything. Their stood my old friend, Louise. Her shocked look turned into one of pure joy, like she was happy to see me. She stepped away from Ashton letting his arms fall to his side, I quickly glanced up at him but looked back at Louise, I couldn’t bear to be near either of them. I wanted to run over to my car and drive away, far away from them and anyone else how could bring back memories of us.

“Oh my god, Claire?” She said smiling, I grimaced and looked down at my feet, I looked up and tried to say something like, it’s been ages or how are you, something polite and not as though I had just caught someone who I now, evidently, had strong, romantic feeling for making out with her but no, of course I couldn’t be normal.

“Excuse me, I better go tell Michael of the pizza situation,” I opened my mouth to say something else but I quickly turned away and began to walk back towards the house, crossing my arms over my chest to protect myself from the cold. I walked inside letting the warm air washing over me, but personally I would rather let the cold numb the pain. I walked over to the staircase and thought of everyone sitting downstairs, they all knew, except Molly, probably, and they all had the opportunity to tell me before this whole mess occurred. I turned away and ran up into the bathroom and closed the door, I looked up at my face which as only slightly tear stained and you couldn’t really tell I had been crying, but it was enough to say that something wasn’t right.

I thought about Rose and Luke, how could such a perfect couple be humanly possible, I mean sure they broke up but that was like in year ten or something, Luke was in year twelve now. I sighed and wiped the tears that had begun to run down my face away. I unlocked the door and walked back down the stairs, crossing my arms when I got to the doorway realising that it was still open. I looked out and saw Ashton running his hands through his hair in a frustrated way, he looked over at the doorway seeing me standing there. I looked at him for a moment just looking at him and Louise who was mid conversation trying to get his attention, he opened his mouth to say something but I turned away and walked back down stairs, yeah that’s right, you really fucked it up big time.

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