Chapter 31: Concerts and Explanations

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 31

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-Louis's POV-

I quickly payed for and hopped out of the taxi so I wouldn't hold it up to long before I pulled my hoodie over my head so I had some sort of protection from the sudden downpour of rain, typical London. I gladly took off my hoodie before I stepped into the lobby of the hotel we were staying in for the moment.

I quickly wiped my feet on the door mat so I wouldn't be the idiot who trudged water all through the hotel before I began to walk over to the elevators to go down to the tour buses that were parked down in the car park. I looked up and stopped in my tracks saw Rose and Molly standing next to next to a pile of bags. But that wasn't the reason I had frozen in my tracks.

There standing a few feet away from them was a girl I knew all too well, arms wrapped around another boy. Her delicate figure was wrapped around this unknown boy as her dark down, curly hair draped down her back as if to shield her from me. My mind immediately raced with horrid thoughts before her name fell quietly off my lips, "Claire?"

They immediately broke apart and I looked deep into Claire's eyes trying to find explanation for what I had just seen but she just stared back at me surprise written all over her face.

"Wh-h-hat's going on here?" I said almost so she couldn't hear and accidentally stuttering the first word. She stepped away from him and towards me confusion now paired with surprise until after a few moment she got what I meant and humor light up her blue eyes as she quickly covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

"Louis," she said slowly, still trying not to laugh, "This is Jarred, my older brother,"

-Claire's POV-

I watched as his mind registered the words, before embarrassment began to form over his face and he started to blush a bit. I quickly put both of my hands up to my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Finally for the first time in this conversation Jarred stepped out from behind me, probably figuring out it was his turn to take the stage.

"Nice to meet you mate," He said holding out his hand for Louis to shake, after a couple of seconds Louis finally snapped out of his dazed and smiled and shook his hand.

"Same here, I would say I've heard a lot about you but I didn't even know you had a brother Claire," he said looking at me for the last part, my hand still over my mouth muffling my laughs.

"So I was just about to ask Claire to join me and my fiancé Rebekah for some lunch, do want to tag along as well," he asked, I looked over at Louis who looked like he was thinking for a moment before he replied.

"As long as I get back to the stadium before 3:00 for sound check, sound like a deal," He said politely, Jarred laughed.

"Don't worry we won't drag it out that long," he said still laughing a little bit, we fell into silence. I looked around for Rose and Molly but they probably split when they thought a tone of drama was about to go down.

"Okay, I'll quickly go put my shopping away and then we'll head," I said before I began to walk off towards the elevators.

"I'll come," Louis said quickly jogging after me, we walked in silence for a bit until we got to the elevator.

"How come you never mentioned you had a brother?!?" Louis said frantically once the doors closed resulting in me to burst out laughing. I bent over as I tried to contain my laughs.

"I'm sorry, I know this wouldn't be funny for you!" I said before I looked up at his face which had softened from the frantic looking one I had seen moment before. "But you should've seen your face!" I said looking down at the ground as I laughed some more before I looked back up at Louis just in time to see him attempt to pull the same expression causing us to both laugh and then I tried to imitate his expression, which in turn lead to more fits of laughter.

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