Chapter 4: Wet Clothes and Tragic Stories

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Chapter 4

At the Wrong time

Wet Cloths and Tragic Stories

-Claire's POV-

As you can imagine the car ride back was almost as eventful as the journey there, people were climbing over seats, lollies were thrown, cheerio's where eaten.

"Hey pass them around!" I yelled over the top of laughed and music, everyone turned and looked at me. "What? Sharing is caring!" I said in a 'duh' tone. Thus earning me the nickname, 'Claire Bear', as Ashton told me with a smile on his face, causing us to laugh, mostly Molly though.

I don't know how long the car ride was but as soon as we pulled up beside the kerb, at Ashton's house, Calum opened the door and sprinted out over the lawn and towards the side of the house. The rest of us soon followed him and when we reached the side of the house we saw that there was a gate, which Calum was in the process of trying to climb over. It was taking too long and for the people at the back of the 'line', we would probably melt before we reached the pool. 

I turned around to Ashton and whispered, "Have you got your keys,"  so that, hopefully only he could hear me, he nodded before he looked at me inquisitively. I nodded my head in the direction of the door.

I watched as realisation washed over his face and he slowly started to back away from the others. I soon followed suit, as we rushed towards the front door, desperately trying not to be heard. Unfortunately, as you can imagine, that didn't work out as while Ashton was trying to get his keys into the hole, Michael stuck his head around the corner. I panicked and pulled Ashton back against the door. He looked at me inquisitively, I just held my hand up to my lips. We stayed there for a moment just standing there until Ashton's expression changed. He raised his eyebrow at me and smirked. 

I looked at him confused until I realised that somehow when I pulled him back so Michael won't see us I had conveniently placed my hand on his chest, I quickly pulled my hand back before I said, probably too loudly, "How long does it take to open a door?"

I was right, and before I knew it, Michael and Luke had all barged in front of us and were currently beating us out the back, great job, I thought to myself as I tried to catch up to the boys, of which I failed at.

By the time we reached the backyard, Michael had already jumped in the pool, yes that's right was were all fully clothed, Luke was mid-air and by the looks of things Calum was next, then followed Ashton, then me and the rest of the crazy girls. 

When I hit the pools cool surface a chill ran through my body, but when I quickly came up for air I regretted none of it. Luckily I had time to throw my shoes off and they were now sitting astray by the back door. I looked over at Ashton who was already swimming over to the edge of the pool to try again. 

Luckily for me, I beat him there giving me to get back in first "You can go, ladies first!" He said grinning, revealing his dimples, I shook my head, "You first I insist!" I said firmly putting my foot down for extra emphasis. 

He smiled at me in a confused way before turning to the others of which Rose and Molly had just joined. While he was looked at them for confirmation, I motioned that I was going to push him in, they just nodded and shrugged their shoulders. Ashton shrugged and looked towards the pool but before he could even contemplate jumping in again I gave him a hard shove on the back.

I looked over at the others grinning while the all watched Ashton fall into the pool, when he came up he had the widest grin on his face. "I will get you back for that!" He said splashing water at me, I bent down on the edge of the pool as he began to swim over and pulled a fake sad face. But before I could say anything he reached out and grabbed my wrist pulling me in, on top of him. 

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