Chapter 32: Emotions and Roofless Buildings

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 32

-Claire's POV-

Louise glared around at everyone individually before her eyes finally came and settled on me. I looked away towards the security guards who by now had backed off realising that we knew her. I looked back at her like a rabbit caught in headlights, unsure of what to do. Which probably acted as a signal to her to that fact that it was my fault that she missed the concert.

Her eyes thinned as she took a step closer towards me causing Ashton to step slightly in front of me, I looked over at him not sure if I should be gratefully or afraid because he just gave more kindling for Louise to feed to the fire.

I looked back at Louise just in time to see her open her mouth before she started wildly snapping at me, "Why does everything have to lead back to you? Wasn't it enough that you turned my own boyfriend against me? But then again you would know all about playing with boys feelings, wouldn't you?" I looked at her wide-eyed, still stunned from the out-burst but from her last comment I was left just plain confused.

"Oh come on!" she said dragging out the sentence, I looking at me expectantly, "Does the name Patrick ring a bell?" she asked as though I was a three year old. Okay, what on earth was she talking about?

She laughed lightly in a maliciously manner, "You never realised? Oh god that's hilarious!" she bending over slightly as she laughed a bit more. We all looked at her confused for a bit before my brother spoke up.

"Look, if you're going to be a bitch at least stop taunting us and get to the point!" he said in a frustrated manner, thanks for the defence brother dearest, note slightly sarcastic tone. She stopped laughing and rolled her eyes before she stood up straight to explain herself.

"You remember back in high school how Patrick asked me out," she said looking me dead in the eyes, I nodded slowly as I thought to myself 'because of me, yes', "Well on the night of the date, which I had been looking forward to all week might I add, he told me that you had set us up and that he didn't feel the same about me anymore and that it was a bad idea to go through with the date," I looked at her shocked, I had never actually known what happened on the date only that there wasn't going be a second one, let alone the fact that Louise actually had a crush on him and, furthermore, the fact that them not going any further in a romantic relationship wasn't a mutual agreement.

"And as you can imagine I was shocked and upset by what I had just been told by the boy who had been so eager to go on a date with me literally five days ago," she said continuing her story, but I was still confused how I was involved with this, besides setting them up together, bad move on my part but Patrick looked so eager and desperate, it was really fucking hard to say no.

"But just when I thought it couldn't get any worse he dropped the cherry on the cake," she said before pausing, starting to sound genuinely upset, "It turned out that the reason he didn't like me anymore was because he had started to develop feelings for none other than one of my best friends, Claire Adams," she said looking back at directly in the eyes staring me down with all the hate she could possibly muster. I could feel that sentence being transmitted and processed in my brain but I was too stunned to say anything.

This explained everything, the reason why she had rubbed Ashton so much in my face when she realised that I had feeling for him, so she could finally get her revenge for me accidently stealing Patrick's feelings towards her.

I opened my mouth to pour out an extremely overdue apology but she interrupted me as anger over took her face once again, "But just because you want to get into my boyfriend's pants does not mean you can just go and steal tickets which were rightfully mine and give them to your brother and some fling of his," I looked over at my brother and Rebekah at the mention of both of them and watch anger grow across his face as he stepped in front of Rebekah to say something, but this time it was my turn to talk and believe I was going to give her what she had coming to her for an awfully long time.

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