Chapter 2: The Best Day and Insults

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At the Wrong Time
Chapter 2
The Best Day and Insults
This book this set in 2013 and then goes across to 2014
-Claire's POV-
It had been four days since I had gone on the date with Patrick. I could only describe it in one word, awkward. I mean, he took me out to the movies to see Jack The Giant Slayer which wasn't that bad a movie but it wasn't the most entertaining thing I had ever seen. And during the movie, I kind of expected him to pull some slick move like grabbing my hand if I screamed, which I did once, or the old yawn and then put your hand over her shoulder. But instead, he just sat there the whole time.

But enough about that, right now I was sitting in the passenger seat literally dying of happiness because not only was I about to meet one of my favourite bands, but I was about to hear them sing, to only me,  my friend Molly, and Patrick but he doesn't matter, just me, listening to them.

"So did you have fun on our date the other day," Patrick said out of nowhere. Well great.

"Yeah it was fun," I said cautious, trying not to upset him or something. He can be a bit sensitive at times.

"So would you do it again next week?" He said I was mentally cringing, sure now he wants to act all slick and cool. I turned around to my friend, Molly, who was in the backseat of Patrick's car, I had decided to invite Molly to make this whole ordeal with Patrick a lot less awkward and also she thought the band was pretty cool as well, I mouthed to her 'help me!'. As her response, she just waved a hand in the air, which I assumed to mean to blow him off. 

"What go see the movie again?" I scoffed trying to play it off as a joke.

"No," he said as he rolled his eyes, "a date!" he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was but I was trying to play dumb. I raked my brains with the nicest why to let him down before I noticed the car had stopped. It turned to him with a small smile on my face, "Are we here?" I squeaked out, he just nodded.

I yanked the car door open and ran towards the nearest house and was about to knock when I heard Patrick laughing. I turned around feeling my floral dress twirl as I did.

"What!?" I demanded, looking from Molly to Patrick who personally looked as confused as me. I didn't want to wait for a second more, I know I can be impatient.

"That's the wrong house," he said simply between laughs, I matched over to him and hit him on the shoulder before saying.

"Haha, very funny," he just looked at me and continued to laugh. I groaned, "Which one is the right one!" I whined pulling on his shoulder. Instead of replying he just simply pointed the house next to the one I had almost knocked on.

The house was painted an extremely light blue with all the panes and panels painted white. I looked over my shoulder to see that Patrick had started to jog over to where I was now. But I couldn't wait for him. 

Have you ever gotten a feeling when you know something is about to happen whether it is for the better or for the worse? Well, I was getting that right now, there was something about the way the door was tantalising me to open it. As if it was daring me to do so.

"Well go on, knock already!" She said as I breathed out quickly before knocking and took a step back. I looked over at Molly with and anxious look on my face, she just rolled her eyes. At first, nothing happened but then I heard a very distant voice of someone saying.

"Coming!" before some footsteps and then the next thing I knew I was standing in front of Luke, Calum and Michael.

"Hello, Ladies!" Said Calum

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