Chapter 19: Tour Bus and Betrayal

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 19

Tour Bus and Betrayal

-Claire's POV-

"Wait!" he called out softly before he grabbed my arm and spun be back around into his embrace and pressed his soft lips against mine. My hands automatically flew up to cup his chin, one hand higher than the other, upon impact. I could feel the cold air whipping around us, as though it was trying to separate us, but I could barely feel it as every one of my senses was numbed by his touch. Without thinking I lent my head down so our foreheads were touching, breaking the kiss. We stood there for a moment both of us in shock as to what had just happened between us.

I took a step away from Louis, running a hand through my hair and the other on my hip. I kept my eyes on the ground to avoid having to look up at his ocean blue ones, which were now probably full of confusion or shock. I opened my mouth so say something but with all the thoughts spinning around my head, I could barely hold my body up right.

"I...I... Louis... I," But thankfully I was interrupted by the sound of the fire escape door opening, both our heads snapped I the direction of the suddenly noise, that wasn't part of the cities hum. The doorway revealed a tall, muscular man in black cloths, a security guard. My eyes widened, crap were we going to get in trouble?

"Thank god I found you Louis, you have to be onstage now, and I mean Right Now!" I continued to look down at my feet, but I could see him walk past me, for a moment he paused, as if he was half expecting me to say to do something but as usual in these types of situations, I stayed quiet. I waited until he had entered the stairwell before I even thought of going through myself. I smiled gratefully at the kind security guard who was still holding the door open for me before I began to walk down the steps. I looked forward and confusion washed over me as I couldn't see Louis anymore, I guess I had that effect on guys, but that went away when I heard the door at the bottom of the escape open and close. He was just trying to get on stage was quickly as possible, I smiled at the thought of him quickly grabbing a microphone, running onstage and apologising for being late. But that smile soon faded as I thought of the reason he was late. He kissed me, just after I remembered kissing Ashton while he had a girlfriend, who he hadn't told me about. Oh god, what was my life becoming.

Once I got to the bottom I saw the 5SOS boys just getting their earpieces and other gadgets removed. How did I manage to miss the screams for all the fans not only from when they went onstage but when they went offstage as well? In fact how did I miss their music, I could usually pick out their music from a mile away. I walked over to them to see the usual sight of Rose hugging and making Luke laugh, Molly mucking around with either Michael or Calum, I had noticed lately that she had been slowly hanging out with the boys more instead of just taking to either me or Rose. I looked over at Ash, who had already gotten his gadgets removed, who was looking around for Louise, as per usual she was probably chatting up one of the male staff members. But then his eyes settled on me, he shot me a confused smile, I looked at him confused as I walked over.

"I noticed you weren't backstage," He said sounding worried, "I was scared for a moment you and Louise were having some kind of battle to the death, 'cause she was gone," I laughed at his comment, causing him to do his weird manly (not really) giggle, "Nah, I was just thinking," I said folding my arms over my chest. He smiled before saying, "I broke my drum sticks onstage," I gasped and rolled my eyes causing him to laugh again.

"You play the drums so aggressively I'm not surprised," He smiled and opened his mouth to say something but Luke tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey we're all going to head back to the tour buses now, apparently the girls are sleeping in ours," I saw Ashton nodded and turn around, a smile lighting up his whole face. "You coming?"

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