Chapter 21: Suspicions and Phone Calls

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 21

Suspicions and Phone Calls

-Claire’s POV-

By the time we came back it was later on in the afternoon, I looked up at the pale blue sky which had cleared up over the course of the day and was now only speckled with a couple of annoying clouds. I looked down at the grounds and watched the small pieces of gravel crunch and bounce away underneath my boots leaving pale mark from where I had stepped on them, hopefully the marks would wear away eventually. I looked up and saw Calum, Luke and Niall kicking around a soccer ball to each other.

I put my hand up to shield my eyes from the last of the dim sunlight which would only be here for an hour or two more before it dipped below the horizon and let the moon light up the night. I looked around to try and figure out where the others were, but I couldn’t see anyone else so I guessed they all went inside. I looked over at Louis who was already eyeing off the soccer ball. He noticed I was looking at him and looked down to meet my gaze, I nudged him towards the others. He raised his eyebrow at me, and I nudged him towards the others again.

Stumbled forward and looked at me confused, “Go on,” I said smiling. He realised what I was talking about and flashed me a grin before running over to where the other boys and stealing the ball off them mid pass and dribble it over in my direction before he passed it to me.

I just watched as the ball came to aimlessly stop at my feet, I looked up at Louis and smiled. That was until I saw the boys behind him come running over towards me, I laughed before I ran off with the ball at the tips of my feet.

We mucked around like this for a while longer, aimlessly running around kicking the ball to each other, making sure Calum, Niall and Luke didn’t get the ball. But eventually I noticed how much the wind had picked up washing the, now freezing, air around our bodies more frequently. Bu tit was only when someone turned the car parks lights on we realised we had been playing in almost complete darkness.

We laughed as we said our farewells and mad our way into our separate tour buses. As I stepped up onto the bus I slowly turned around and saw Louis looking at me from the entrance of his tour bus. We just stood there looking at each other for a moment before I felt a tap on my shoulder, I quickly looked away and towards Michael who had tapped me.

“The Ashton’s refusing to play Fifa with me, and since Calum and Luke ditched me and Molly has been playing with me for the part hour can you please play with me?” I rolled my eyes at him before looking over at where Louis was standing, but since then he had disappeared into the bus. I turned around slightly disappointed to see Michael pulling a sad puppy dog face. I groaned before walking in the direction of the back of the bus.

“Stupid boy! Ten minutes in the sin bin!” I yelled at the screen pointing at one of my own stupid players who seemed to resist everything I tried to get him to do. Michael burst out laughing, I looked at him inquisitively.

“They don’t have sin bins in soccer that’s rugby stupid!” He said still laughing, I raised my hands before commenting, “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realise I was in the presence of a sports god!” I then proceeded to bend up and down in his direction while saying, “All hail the one and might Michael, King of the Sports!” Causing him to laugh even more.

“Now that I’m pretty sure is a complete lie,” Said a familiar accent, I turned around and smiled when I saw Louis standing in the door way with his arms crossed over him chest leaning on one of the frames. He greeted my smiling face with a smile before he came and sat next to me on the arm of the couch and watched as I proudly led my soccer team of losing.

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