Chapter 33: Sound Check and Garbage

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 33

-Claire's POV-

16th April

I sighed as I brushed my fingers carelessly through my semi mangled hair, I was sitting in the back room ignoring the pictures playing across the TV screen and instead focused my attention on the numerous pile of crap that surround my existence.

But then again I couldn't really focus my attention on anything for too long before my mind drifted back to the events of ten days ago. To give you a quick recap, basically I got into a fight with both Ashton and Louis resulting in possibly the end of both of my relationships with them.

I sighed, wow I was a busy girl. I rolled over trying to get comfy, which seeing what I was surround by, well actually I didn't really know what half of it was. Some of it was work stuff, empty food wrappers or cartoons depending, blankets and discarded cloths.

But turning over caused me to fall off the small couch which wrapped around all the walls, except the entrance of the room and where the TV is. I quickly got up so I wasn't lying in a pile of all the shit that has amounted from me trying to ignore everyone for the past week and a bit. I groaned as I took one last look around the room before I finally decided it was time to stop sulking about what happened and just suck it up and move on.

It just sucked that the first step to moving on had to be cleaning the room.

Finally after about half an hour, which surprisingly wasn't as long as I thought it would be, I emerged with three different garbage bags containing three different types of crap which I had scattered around the room in my desolate sulking.

As walked out into the kitchen/sitting room, where everyone was either talking or on their phones, all of their eyes quickly turned to me when they saw me finally emerge from my morose. I finally threw away the bags which in some way represented all the crap which I had been heaping on myself ever since my arguments.

And as the bags of all my baggage fell out of my hands I felt all the of the stress, worry and anxiety from the tour slip away and I was left feeling refreshed and revitalised, and now I sound like I was in an ad for shampoo or something along those lines.  

I turned around to meet the looks of everyone sitting in the room. Since I had falling outs with both Ash and Louis I couldn't really hang out with the 5sos guys, cause well Ash was one of them and I couldn't really tell him to piss off, they were his friends first, and otherwise it would just make everything awkward since him and I wouldn't be talking, so we wouldn't be talking to anyone else and then everyone would have to find a way to include us in the conversation without making to more awkward than it already was.

And then on top of that my argument with Lou meant I couldn't hang out with the 1D boys because, well, Lou was part of that and really the same kind of situation as with Ashton.

And then yes, you're probably all thinking that I could just hang out Rose and Molly. And I already thought of that and that's what I had done for the first couple of days, but I realised it wasn't fair if I then indirectly didn't let them hang out with anyone else because I was too bitter or shameful to apologise.

And that practically sums up my social situation for the past 10 days, so when they all looked at me wide eyed and relieved that I had finally come out of my resentful hibernation I wasn't surprised, if I was them I would quite possibly feel the same way.

"And this is a rare sighting we are seeing right now, this is rare species of human known as Claire Adams and the first time on TV seen in her natural habit doing a very weird deed known as...taking out the trash," said Calum in an old man voice making him sound like David Attenborough, which is what I guess he was going for.

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