Chapter 15: Surprise Awaking and Chats

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 15

Surprise Awaking and Chats

-Claire’s POV-

I felt my pillow move slightly from under my head, I smiled to myself and snuggled back into it. So far for this whole 23 hour flight I had barely thought about the whole Ashton ordeal. Well great. I tried to block all those memories and focus on how comfy I was, it sucked that I probably had to get off the plane in an hour or so. But man I had never realised how comfy these plane pillows could be!

Wait, plane pillows weren’t comfy, they were some sheet wrapped around a fluffy thing the size of a pin. Wait, I left my pillow over with Ashton. Hang on, I didn’t even get a pillow! I opened my eyes in shocked trying to figure out what was going on. I rubbed my eyes and looked around I looked over at the screen which I had been watching movies of last night with Louis. Wait I lifted my head of the surface I had been sleeping on.

Holy Shit! I had been sleeping on Louis Tomlinson’s shoulder. I looked up at his face to be met with a cheeky smile. “Good morning Sleeping Beauty,” I mentally banged my head on the seat in front of me but instead I looked around at the other people who had come with us. Most of them were asleep except for a couple of people who were on their phones or talking quietly, which was a change from normal. I had never heard this bunch of people this quiet.  

“Morning,” I mumbled trying to ignore the fact that the word beauty had been in that sentence, I looked back at him, he still held the same smile, I closed my eyes and smiled a big, no teeth smile causing him to laugh. A couple of people around us began to stir, I continued to rub my eyes, I hated sleeping on flights I always felt like a zombie afterwards.

“How long till we get to London?” I asked he shrugged before saying, “Dunno, we’re about to stop off at India now, so however long it is from India to London,” I just nodded before relaxing back into my seat and I let my mind began to wander to the night before.

I don’t even remember falling asleep, but who does. The last thing I remember was watching some horror movie, although I was trying to ignore what was happening on the screen, I hate horror movies. But I got forced into it by Louis, since I had him watch a ‘chick flick’.  I remember I spent the whole movie laughing whenever someone would swear, which after a while caused Louis to start laughing at me.

I smiled at the memory, it was a nice memory, not filled with fighting and angst like my memories of the past couple of weeks had been. It was refreshing just to have a moment that didn’t causing so much drama. I also remember looking away from the movie at one point because it was getting to scary and I caught Ashton glaring at me, he quickly looked away and back at the book he had been trying to read for almost the whole flight. Gez, what was his problem?

“What you thinking about?” Louis asked me snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked up at him not properly looking into his eyes, as though he would be able to see what I had been thinking about. I quickly looked down at my carry-on bag before replying, “Nothing,” I began to unzip the bag before rummaging around for my change of clothes. But I couldn’t help and steal a look at the way his unmoving, smug face was looking at me.

I pushed the food tray back up and locked it before continuing down the aisle towards the bathrooms. I locked the door and quickly got changed into some warmer cloths since in England it was winter and it was going to be so mother effing cold. I emerged from the bathrooms a couple of minutes later with my hands over my ears, I hated how loud the flush on those things were.

I walked back over to my seat and sighed as I sat down. I looked around trying to find something to do, I did think about striking up a conversation with Louis but a) I was still embarrassed from last night and b) he was on his phone. So instead I got out my headphones and scrolled through the planes list of music. I stopped scrolling and smiled to myself when I the Take Me Home album was an option, I clicked on it and bent down to pull out a book I was reading.

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