Chapter 27: Kissing and Falling Out's

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 27 (YAY)

Kissing and Falling Out's

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-Claire’s POV-


The world lay still and peaceful around me, with the slight murmur of chatter off in the distance, and I was surrounded by a blanket of warmth and calming. I tried my hardest not to stir afraid that I would wreck the atmosphere of peace. But soon enough the body lying next to me moved slightly and exhaled a small breath of air, but that wasn’t what would wreck the moment.

Soon enough the murmur grew closer and louder until he voice was now audible, “Hey Lou where did you put…” a pause before the door slide open, “Ah! My innocent eyes burn!!” he said before running back down the hall towards the other boys.

I groaned and began to stretch accidently hitting Louis in the face in the process causing us both to burst out laughing. I squinted one eye open to look at him, he was looking down at me with a smile on his face.

“Morning Love,” he said sleepily, I smiled and let out a small groan before attempting to get up. But Lou grabbed at my waisted and pulling me back down.

“Oh okay,” I said surprise turning my head so could look at him for an explanation.

“You’re warm,” He said in a small, baby voice. I smiled and rolled my eyes at him before settling back down into the position I was previously in. I closed my eyes before replying, “You only want me for my body heat,” I felt his chest rise and a fall rapidly as he laughed. I smiled and snuggled further into his figure.

“We should probably get up,” I said after a further amount of time of drifting in between sleep and dream. He just made a small groaning sound, I rolled my eyes before I stood up except this time I pulled him up with me, causing him to groan some more.

And then to make things easier he just fell limp against me nearly causing me to fall over, except he held onto my wrists so I didn’t fall.

“Dick,” I muttered under my breath as I stood there watching him nearly piss himself laughing, it wasn’t that funny.

“Language missy,” he said before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder and walking out of the room while I thumped on his back, squealing and laughing all at once.

“Woh, try not to burst out ear drums or anything,” said Harry sarcastically as we made it into the kitchen/living area of the bus. Louis turned me around so I was facing the boys, even though I was look at them upside down.

“Help me,” I said in a pretend sad little girl voice, they all looked at me for a moment before Liam replied, “I don’t know upside down is a good look on you,” he said nodding as the turned to the other boys for their approval who all nodded along with him.

I crossed my arms and replied, “I’ll puke all over your feet,”

And within two seconds Zayn and Harry, who were the closest, rushed over to try and get me of Louis shoulder, while the others sat there and laughed as Louis fought to keep me upside down on his shoulder, which amounted in me nearly hitting my head on the fridge.

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