Chapter 24: Lingerie and Fights

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 24

Insults and Underwear

-Claire’s POV-

“Why is Europe so cold?” I complained as I trudged around the small, tour bus kitchen at 6 in the morning. Grumpy because Ashton woke up early to see if he could try some weird workout game thingy, I really have no expertise in this area, on the PS3 which also happened to be in the same room which all the girls were sleeping in and he had to get there from the ‘bunk room’ waking everyone else up. Luke wasn’t very happy to say the least.

“Maybe because it’s the middle of winter,” Ashton said in a bright, sarcastic tone of voice, I rolled my eyes and smiled.

“Technically it’s the end of winter!” I said in a very ‘know-it-all’ voice.

“Well excuse me queen of seasons!” He said in a fake posh accent before bowing in a mocking manner and adding, “Your majesty!” Which also resulted in him spilling soapy, hot water on the ground from the mugs we were cleaning.

“And I guess that make you the king of clumsy,” I said smiling victoriously as he groaned and bent over to try and wipe some of the water of his now soapy Ugg boots before walking out of the room to probably steal one of the boys pairs, even though none of their shoes probably fit him, I mean he has massive feet.

I shook my head and laughed a little to myself as I continued to clean up the mugs from tea and coffee we had ever one earlier, when I felt a presence next to me. I looked over at Louise of had her back resting against the sink with her arms crossed over her chest with a seemingly pleasant look on her face.

“How’s the cleaning coming?” She asked pleasantly. Um what? Louise pleasant? What was this the bloody apocalypse?

“Sorry me?” I said jokingly after looking around to see if Ashton had come back without me noticing. She sighed and uncrossed her arms and turned to face me now with a more serious look on her face.

“Look, I know we haven’t exactly be getting on the greatest at all lately but I just want to apologise if I have done something wrong so that we can just turn over a new leaf and start again,” I looked at her blankly blinking my eyes a couple of times.

“What no ‘Don’t be so cosy with my boyfriend’ message today?” I asked, she groaned and began to walk away.

“No wait!” I said and she turned around and looked at me with cross armed and an impatient look on her face, “I’m sorry, I’d really like that,” I said smiling she just nodded and smiled awkwardly before walking off before pausing and turning around before quickly commenting, “By the way, Don’t be so cosy with my boyfriend,” smiled sarcastically and walked off.

I rolled my eyes, some people never change.

“What was that about?” said Ashton coming back in a minute or two later, I looked down at his new, slipper clad feet.

“How many of those types of shoes do you have?” I said half laughing pointing down at his feet. He shrugged, “That probably explains the reason why I only have room for two pairs of t-shirts,” I laughed and went back to packing all the mugs back into the cupboard.

“How long til we reach the arena?” I groaned as I packed away the last mug and collapsed onto one of the couches. He sat down next to me and shrugged before pulling out his phone from his pocket and unlocking it.

“I don’t know the driver said we would be there by ten so I guess around fourish hours,” I groaned and hid my face behind a pillow. Which soon resulted in him tickling my side, causing me to half scream half laugh.

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