Chapter 28: Sea Turtles and Self Doubt

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 28

Sea Turtles and Self Doubt

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-Claire's POV-

It was early next morning when I snuck back into the 5SOS tour bus to steal some cereal and milk when, as I walked through the door and towards the kitchen, I felt as though I had just been caught robbing a bank. I just shook off the feeling and continued my mini raid of the kitchen grabbing a couple of other things like tea bags and other stuff along those lines.

It was only when I turned around, and nearly died of a heart attack, behind me on one of the red wrap around couches sat none other than Ashton Irwin staring at me from the brim of his phone which he currently had one headphone plugged in.

We just stayed dead still my standing in the middle of the room arms overflowing with breakfast materials and him just sitting their staring at me, a million words in his eyes but none on his tongue. I just turned my head away as I began to walk out of the bus but before I could even get my feet to move five steps he said so quickly it was gone as fast as he had opened his mouth.

"W-what's your favourite song?" I looked from him to the door and back against confused and slightly pissed, after close to one and a half months the closest he can get to an apology is 'what's your favourite song?'

I opened my mouth so say something along the lines of what I had just thought but before I could say anything he ran one of his hands through his hair and said, "I'm sorry I know that a really suck ass apology but..." However before he could continue I walked over to the counters and dumped all the breakfast before I walked back over and slide onto the small space between the very edge of the seat and Ashton.

I looked back up at the ceiling just thinking for a moment, "Hmm, I don't know probably something from the top charts, ooh! I like Scream and Shout," I looked over at Ashton who smiled at me thankfully before his facial expressions quickly changed into fake disappointment.

"By Brittany Spears and" I trailed of as he began to shake his head, before he looked back down at his phone and typed in his password and opened up his music.

"So I'm guessing that Louise set the heart as your password on your old phone," I looked at him and he began to pick up his second head phone, we just looked at each other for a moment before he nodded slowly.

"Do you like our music?" He asked, I looked at him extremely confused.

"That's the whole reason we met Irwin, remember?" I asked confused and shocked but I made sure it was in a joking manner. He smiled at me before nodding and replied, "How could I forget?" I smiled a small, sweet smile and looked down at my lap as I fidgeted with my finger. Geez compose yourself woman you're seeing someone! Well sort of...

I looked back up to see Ashton very close to my face pulling an extremely creepy face causing me to laugh and scream at the same time. He scrunched up his face and put a finger to his lips and shushed me, I stuck my tongue out at him. The amount of maturity in this room was unbelievable!

We laughed for a bit before he held a headphone out for me I hesitantly took it off him and slipped it into my ear, I leant over his shoulder and looked at what song he was picking. He looked up at me in a judging manner, as though he was trying to read my mind.

"I think you'll like these guys," he said before he opened up and album and scrolled to the bottom before finally choosing a song. I watched as I opened up and read the title 'Oh, Calamity! By All Time Low'. We just sat there in silence listening to the song and I have to admit, I was really liking it. I mean it was different to the other kind of I listened to but I guess I just really listened to whatever came on the radio.

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