Chapter 41: Music Videos and Red-Heads

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 41

-Claire's POV-

The next three days went like a blur of hot weather, time to explore LA, tagging along with the boys for photo shoots and spending the being constantly ignored by Ashton. I guess I could understand where he could be coming from, but the only problem was that I didn't know what I had said. So I had no way to make any form of amends without doing more damage than I had already done.

And I wasn't the only one who was starting to feel the effects of our falling out. Ashton is quite a personal person and likes to keep a lot of things that are really special or personal to him in general to himself, so the boys had no idea what was going on.

However, for Rose and Molly, they spent that entire night grilling me on what happened and on what I could have said. God, I hope Rose hasn't told Luke about it, I don't want the boys to think I'm purposely trying to fuck with their best friend.

Because believe me, I wanted the best for him just like them. I'm just not very good at showing that.

And now three days on we were stuck in the worst part of what seemed to be a continuous cycle for us. We start off happy and everything's okay, one of us gets too close to the other and then all hell breaks loose and we pretend the other doesn't exist for about a week, then finally after we've come to our senses, apologise to each and thus keep the cycle spinning.

And now three days on, I sat in the back of one of our rentals cars, on the way to the set of my best friends' music video. The crazy roller coaster of a life I have fallen into.

I looked around, Molly and Calum both sat to the left of me, engaging in a sort of small conversation while dancing, to the best of their abilities, while strapped on a car. I laughed quietly to myself, catching the attention of Calum who looked over at me pulling a smiley face at me.

"Join in Claire Bear, Let's start a party!" He said in a really idiotic tone, I laughed at his attempt to get me to join in, instead of wallowing in my thoughts. I rolled my eyes at him before I too began joining in their stupid antics.

When we got to the set, which was located mainly on top of the roof we'd film most of the videos in, we could see the other boys already getting into their costumes.

"Super Heroes huh," I commented to Calum as we began to make our way over to the other boys and Rose.

"Hey no judgement, it wasn't our idea," He said with a huge childish smile lighting up his face, "But hey, I'm complaining," he commented a couple of moments later when we reached the other group

"What are you complaining about now Calum?" asked Rose jokingly, pretending she had only heard the last word of what he had said.

But we were quickly interrupted by an overly excited Luke who was bouncing around as he explained out cool his outfit was and showing it off to everyone. Causing Calum to get even more hyped to get into his outfit and everyone else to just laugh.

Calum ran over to where the wardrobe girls were to go receive his kick-ass outfit, as he explained in his words before running off.

I smiled as his excited figure ran off and looked around at the group surrounding me, Michael was leaned against one of the portable tents poles as him and Molly chatted about some unknown topic, probably gaming. Most people didn't know it but Molly was a huge gaming nerd when it came down to things. She's probably the only reason I can even mildly play certain ones.

I noticed Luke and Ash were over at the hair and makeup station, Luke probably using up all the hair gel. I looked around to try and find Rose only to notice her walking over towards me.

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