Chapter 25: Screaming and Fights

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 25

Screaming and Fights

-Claire’s POV-

I walked out of Louis’s tour bus maybe an hour or two later, awkwardly smiling to the other boys on the way out, and heading back to the 5sos one. As soon as I walked in all conversation ceased and everyone’s eyes were on mine. I stood in the doorway looking at each of them in shock before I turned and looked at Louise who was cradled in Ashton’s arms tears streaming down her face.

“Lou….” I began but got cut off by Ashton.

“You’ve already said enough, don’t you think?” he said in a nasty tone, I looked up at him wide eyed. I turned around in confusion, what on earth was going on? But as I looked at each of the boys for answers all I saw was the disappointment emitting from their eyes.

I felt a lump form in my throat, and my eyes sting but bare of any tears, before I swallowed and said quietly, “Can someone please tell me what’s going on?” I looked around frantically trying to find some support to keep me standing and found the disappointed replaced by a softer more confused look.

“Don’t play stupid!” Ashton snapped, anger practically dripping of his voice. I looked at him wide eyed, like a dear cornered by its predator. I looked at Louise who just turned towards him and whispered something.

“NO IT’S NOT OKAY!!” He said suddenly jumping up, off causing Louise to fall onto the couch behind her, looking me dead in the eyes. The eyes which use to offer me warmth and comfort now ablaze with pure rage.

I opened my mouth to say something but again he interrupted me.

“Mind explaining to me why I came home from a writing session to find my girlfriend all by herself in tears saying that one of my closest friends just called her a slut and to go die?!?”

I stood there for a moment, wide eyed, as I let the feeling of betrayal and anger fill me up.

“Mind explaining to me, why you would believe anything that comes of her mouth?” I spat back at him, stepping closer, blocking out all the shocked expression of all the boys, who sat back quietly not daring to say anything.

An enraged and shocked expression spread across his and he opened his mouth to say something, but it was my turn to interrupt.

“Mind explaining to me how you could let your girlfriend insult me in the lowest way possible for me, leave me to find my own way back here to silently cry by myself because the only couple of people I could have gone to were out, but don’t worry that not the part I’m pissed about, lucky for you Louis found me and instead of blowing his head off as to why I had been crying comforted me and calmed me down so that I would have a level head so that when I came in here after I had cried my heart out, I would have to bottle up the hurt that because not only has one of my oldest friends insulted my very existence but one of the only people I feel like I can trust with anything now went and completely obliterated that trust and made me feel like I am the most worthless piece of shit without even asking anyone else if her side of the events is true. Because guess what Irwin? Not only are you about to lose any trust in her that you ever had but you just completely lost any form of relationship with me because as far as I’m concerned we are complete strangers!” I said practically screaming in his face before I took a couple of breaths to make up for all the ones I just missed.

Dead silence fell over the whole bus and all I could hear was my ragged breaths, as I looked up at Ashton’s stone hard facial expression and cocked my eyebrows up challenging him to try and respond to that.

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