Chapter 1: Silly, Deprived Boys and Screaming

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At the Wrong Time
Chapter One
Silly, Deprived Boys and Screaming
-Claire's POV-
It was weird being able to hear the soft patter of rain while some of the people gathered around you tried to create small talk and others were in deep conversation about the most abstract and ridiculous things.

Meanwhile, I was sitting next to someone, who should really be trying harder to do something other than sitting there awkwardly twiddling his thumbs considering he did ask me on a date, instead I busied myself with trying to find some good music.

And it's not like I was straight up ignoring him, he did decline my offer for an earphone, bad move on his behalf, he just was an awkward person.

I mean I should know, I met Patrick in my second last year of High School when he asked if I could try and set him up with one of my friends at the time called Louise. I obviously agreed, having a thing for romance. It was a bit of a challenge as he was quite shy but eventually, after a couple of months of preparation, he finally asked her out. And she said yes.

Unfortunately he decided not to go into a serious relationship with her and I think she didn't mind either, personally, they weren't compatible. After that, we still kept in touch and things became a lot less awkward.

That was until recently when he asked if I wanted to go on a date with him. I mean, it surprised me because I didn't even think he thought of me like that, but I wasn't the person to say no. It did make things really awkward in our group as we had all lost touch with Louise so we didn't really know how she would feel about it.

I looked over at a Patrick who had now busied himself with looking out the bus window at the rain, I sighed and looked down at my phone and kept my hunt for good music going. Eventually, after I had tried everything I grunted and threw my phone on my lap and crossed my arms in annoyance.

"What's wrong?" he said looking back at me confused, finally snapping out of his awkwardness, I pulled out my earphone before I replied.

"I can't find this one band on iTunes and I'm so pissed because so good," I said extending the 'good' in a whiny manner.

"Why aren't they on iTunes? Isn't everyone on iTunes," he asked confused, I heaved out a huge sigh, oh this poor silly boy.

"No, stupid!" I said poking him in the middle of the forehead, "they only really have a couple of songs and plus they're not that famous, yet!" I said putting emphasis on the 'yet'. I had a lot of faith in my Aussie boys.

"Maybe I know them," he said, I rolled my eyes.

"I doubt it," He didn't listen to much music, poor deprived boy.

"Oh yeah, try me!" he said opening his arms as much as he could in the confined space of our bus seats, which made me let out half a laugh before replying.

"5 Seconds of Summer," and to add emphasis I put on an expectant face and did some jazzy hands. He laughed had my silliness, I turned back to face the front of my seat.

"I actually have heard of them," I sat still before I began turning around slowly revealing to him the happiest most excited face I could pull before I squeaked out the words, "Really!" which made him laugh harder before saying.

"Yeah one of them lives like 5 or so houses down the road from me," I stopped laughing, my expression had gone blank, I looked at him with possibly one of most serious faces ever mustered over the entire history of the human population.

"If you are joking Patrick I will set Molly on you, and we both know she is not very forgiving," he held his hands up in defence.

"Honest truth, a boy scout never lies!" He said seriously.

"You were a boy scout?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"No but you get my point," I still kept my raised eyebrow and crossed my arms to prove that I wasn't convinced.

"Fine, if you want proof, I'll show you," he said pulling out his phone and began typing in his password, "I met them at a street party, they were staying over at one of the boys house, Ashton, I think it was, here," He said handing me his phone and sure enough there it was Patrick taking an above selfie with a bunch of strangers of which included none other than Ashton, Michael, Calum and Luke all four members of 5SOS.

"Oh my god! You HAVE to take me to meet them!" I almost shouted literally bouncing in my seat I was that excited about the prospect of knowing someone who had met them and the thought that I could actually see them in real life.

"I'll see what I can do," He said pulling his phone out of his pocket and typed in the passcode.

"Wait! You have their number?" I asked shocked, he shrugged. "Just Ashton's," My mouth fell agape. On the phone that was just centimetres away from my hands contained the number of Ashton Irwin, the drummer from 5SOS.

"Done, now we will just have to wait and see what he says," Patrick said putting his phone on his lap.

A couple of minutes passed in silence, it was obvious we had run out of a conversation topic. That was until I heard a ping come from a nearby phone. I looked down at Patrick's lap to see the phone was gone and already in his hands. My heart skipped a beat.

"Well, it's official!" He said putting his phone back in his pocket.

"What is?!?" I bust out, too anxious to wait for him to tell me.

"Not only are you going to get to meet them but they said they'd play for you since I mentioned how big a fan you were,"

I just sat there for a moment, trying to take in what I had just heard before I turned around and hugged Patrick.

"OH, MY GOD! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" I shouted not caring about the other people on the bus. I know my friends considered me to be the luckiest person alive, both physically and circumstantially lucky. There was only one other time when my luck had actually proven itself as much as this but now I could had this to my now growing list.

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