Chapter 30: Jealously and Unfamiliar Faces

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 30

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-Claire’s POV-

I was heading back across to our own tour bus, since Rose and Luke still weren’t talking when they finally came back.

“Hey Claire,” shouted a familiar Irish voice, Niall. I looked around and saw the 1D boys walking back towards there tour bus which I was just about to walk past. I smiled and waved as I jogged over to where they were standing, I looked around until I finally spied Louis standing at the back of the group.

“Did you end up getting those tattoos Lou?” I asked as I finally came to a standstill in front of them, Zayn and Harry step to the side so I could see Louis, he just nodded. We all stood in silence.

“Well what’d you get?” and with that question he seemed to snap back into reality.

“Well, I this,” he said pulling up his jeans a bit so I could see the two word ‘The Rouge’ tattooed one on each ankle I nodded before commenting.

“Oh and I also got this one,” he said before he pulled down the neck of his t-shirt dramatically making me laugh a bit before revealing tattooed in cursive writing ‘It is what it is’ causing me to laugh even spurring him to laugh and everyone just looking at us weirdly.

“I’m not quite sure I understand,” said Liam watching the two of us with a fake concerned look on his face.

“We had a conversation about what he should get,” I started but continued laughing, I don’t know why I find it so funny!

“She suggested I get her face tattooed onto my forehead!” he said through laughs

“But that’s beside the point! Anyway I then said he should get something I could understand what is was,”

“She thought my horseshoe tattoo was a magnet,” now the others had joined in laughing.

“So then I got this,” he said signalling to his tattoo.

“Hey Louis what is it?” I asked trying not to laugh, we both looked at each other for a moment before he answered.

“It is what it is!” and then everyone burst out laughing again.

“Hey what’s so funny?” said Ashton, I turned around and saw him just walking out of his tour bus probably to see where all the noise was coming from.

“Lou got new tattoos!” I shouted

“Hey that rhymes,” said Harry, I smiled and laugh with the others. I turned back around to see Ash walking over and noticed that a couple of the others we exiting the tour bus.

“Where you lot going?” Zayn asked as they all walked over towards us.

“Rose and Luke finally decided to kiss and make up, or out depending,” Said Calum shrugging his shoulders at the last part.

“Do you guy wanna come crash with us for a bit?” Asked Liam, they all nodded before I replied, “Me and Molly will wait for kissing and making upping to finish,” They all looked at us curiously but no one said anything, I snuck a glimpse at Louis who was looking down at his ankles, probably his new tattoo.

“ ‘Kay well we’ll see you guys later,” said Calum before they walked off towards the 1D tour bus.

Molly and I just stood there for a moment before she asked, “How come you didn’t want to hang out with them?” I shrugged not really too sure why I had suggested it myself but I was immediately regretting it. All it did was drive another wedge between Louis and I.

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