Chapter 37: Poolside Antics and Possible Shower Sex?!?

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 37: Poolside Antics and Possible Shower Sex?!?

-Claire's POV-

I felt the hot Californian sun prickle over my shear white skin, I was praying this time round I was going to get at least a small glimpse of a tan rather than more stupid freckles or just a straight up sunburn.

However the slightly burning sensation was soon doused when a small splash of water cover my calves.

"Hey, keep the splashing down a notch, some people aren't full of crazy energy like you boys," I said pulling my sunglasses down onto the bridge of my nose to inspect the towel, being the main interest of my concern rather than my legs, but the splash mainly gave me a fright more than anything else.

"Claire," Calum began in a somewhat unimpressed tone, "You're the only one who's getting skin cancer here," I made a shocked noise, by his choice of blunt words, before I dipped a foot into the pool and kicked some in his direction. Which only resulted in a bigger splash headed my way.

"Hey, try to keep some of the water in the pool!" Rose yelled from the living room that lay just beyond the now open sliding glass doors. Which lead into a small kitchen and living open plan area, with a small bathroom squashed in between the kitchen and the stairs. Which lead upstairs to a bigger entertaining area, which consisted of another living room, with two bedrooms just behind it, a bar/kitchen area to its left, if you were looking out the window from the inside, which had another couchy, living entertaining area.

And then to the left of the couchy, living, entertaining area and the bar/ kitchen were the last set of stairs leading up to four more bedrooms, each with their own ensuite.

Also on the ground/ pool level was a recording studio so the boys didn't have to travel out to one, except for copyright reasons the girls and I weren't allowed in there during recording sessions. Sure cause we were talented enough to make it big by stealing the guy's songs.

So basically this house was really fucking awesome.

We all just laughed at Rose's comment before Michael shouted out a reply.

"What like this?" before he cupped some water into his hand and flicked it in the direction of the open sliding doors, most of it, indeed, going inside. Causing both the girls to squeal.

"Michael, you're cleaning that up," shouted Molly before both girls went back to watching whatever TV show they were. Lucky Americans with their Netflix.

He just rolled his eyes before muttering something inaudible under his breath and the guys around him laughed. I smiled before leaning back in the lounge chair and pushed the sunnies further up my nose.

"Hey we're not done with you!" shouted Ashton as he went to get out of the pool. Knowing where this was most likely going to go I took my sunglasses off my head and neatly folded them before placing them next to me.

I crossed my arms definitely over my chest as he made his way over to where I was lying down.

"Irwin," I said coldly as he stooped over my relaxed figure, dripping water everywhere.

"Adams," he responded with the same tone of voice, before a smile cracked on both of our faces, to which I quickly resumed my previous serious expression.

We stayed in the exact same positions, staring each other down, as we waited for the other to move. Although I didn't mind too much, I mean he's blocking the sun. 'And he's also topless' said a little voice inside of my head, I rolled my eyes at the maturity of my inner voice.

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