Chapter 18: Shocking Drunk Happenings and Romantic Interactions

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 18

Shocking Drunk Happenings and Romantic Interactions

-Claire’s POV-

I just stood there watching his silhouette disappear down the hallway and around the corner to where the elevators were. I replayed the moments that had just occurred previously in my mind, the way he looked at me before leaning in and pressing his lips against my cheek sent my stomach on a series of loop-the-loops just thinking about it. I turned around and fumbled with the door key as I tried to get inside.

“Claire!” a familiar aussie voice said I turned around quickly, hiding the keys behind my back as though I was being caught breaking into someone else’s room, Ashton was standing a couple of doors down holding bags of chips and soft drink, or alcohol but probably soft drink.

His happy expression quickly changed from happy to concerned, “Are you okay,” he said taking a step closer. I suddenly felt flushed and pushed some hair out of my face before answering nervously, “No, no I’m cool!” Actually I was far from cool, I felt as though I could melt right through the floor. He still looked at me in the same confused manner, actually he looked more concerned than anything. For some reason I could quite put my finger on why I was so acting so nervous.

“Hey I saw Louis over by the lifts were you and him hanging out or something?” He asked casually but I saw his fill up with curiosity making him almost look, jealous? That couldn’t be the case, he had made it very clear that he was beyond happy with Louise and plus why did it matter to him if other guys took a fancy in me, if that was what was going on between Louis and I, but that what all the signs seemed to point to.

“We just went and got something hot to drink after the show,” I said shrugging and I turned to face the door as I tried to hide the smile that crept onto my face as memories of what seemed like a life time ago, but actually ended just around 5 minutes ago, reappeared in my mind.

I finally managed to calm myself down enough to unlock the door and I began to step inside but I quickly turned around to look at Ashton who had begun to unlock his door. “Night,” I said smiling tired, as I let the unknown tiredness wash over my body, I yawned.

He smiled wistfully before replying, “See you tomorrow,” I looked at him for a moment more before I stepped inside to meet a still, very much so, wide awake Rose and Molly.

“Where have you been?” Asked Molly when she heard my set down my bag and keys on the kitchen counter top.

“Getting it on with someone probably,” Said Rose causing both her and Molly to laugh, I looked at them wide eyed before walked over and smacked Rose on the arm.

“Plane flights are no fun when you’re hung over,” I said smiling sarcastically before walking into my room.

“I’m not drunk!” She shouted out after me, I stuck my head around the door way, “Keep telling yourself that hun,” and upon hearing Molly laugh at Rose who had opened her mouth to say something but closed it again I shot them a smile and went off to bed.

I awoke, what felt like minutes later, to the feeling of pillows smacking my face, I groaned and tried to grab them out of Rose and Molly’s hands but them we holding them out of reach. Squinting I opened one eye to see the smiling figures of my male Aussie friends. I groaned before muttering, “Assholes,” and rolling over, which was a bad idea as then they proceeded to continue to push me until I fell out of the bed and onto the floor pulling all the sheets, I had wrapped around me, with me. I heard them laugh as they walked out of the room in a hurried manner, waking me up was possibly their worst and last decision, LET THE PRANK WARS BEGIN!

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