Chapter 34: Jealousy and Mexican Takeaway

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 34

-Claire's POV-

16th April

All I could see in my mind was Ashton disappearing through the doorway, over and over again, and it felt like someone had just kicked me in the guts. So quicker than I could even fathom what I was doing I disappeared out the door after him.

I ran down the hall until I was within walking distance of his quick figure and as my shoes collided with the ground, as I tried to keep up with his angry pace, he turned around to see who was following him. But when he saw it was me he just turned back around to face the way he was walking before and began to speed up his pace.

"Hey!" I called out becoming irritate from his obvious rude behaviour, I just watched as he sighed and stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around to face me so I took to opportunity and quickly jogged up to him.

I tried to look him directly in the eyes so he got the full impact of the earful I was extremely tempted to give him any second now. But for a couple of seconds he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the ground he was standing on and then he looked up to meet my stare just as I was opening my mouth, giving into temptation, but I quickly stopped when I saw his expression. His broken look could stop wars and make even the coldest heart feel guilty, my god I had enough trouble trying not to let the guilt swallow me whole.

"Ash, I..." I tried to start, still not quite sure how I was going finish the sentence myself but his look drastically changed from sad to angry.

"Ash, ASH? Don't use a nickname as though you even care!" he said raising his voice, a couple of people who were around us started to look at us confused but I didn't care, he had re-sparked my irritation which was now quickly growing into something much more.

"Okay, what the hell is going on with you, Ashton?" I said making sure I used extra emphasis on the fact that I called his by his name and not by a nickname because apparently now that was a good reason to kill someone for. He laughed a bit before responding, as though what he was thinking was the most obvious thing in the world. "What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on!" he said before he took a pause to start what was seeming likely to be a rant.

"One minute you're giving me an ultimatum to either breakup with my girlfriend or never talk to you again, then the next minute you're in love with Louis and now you go around calling me by a pet name as though nothing is wrong!" he said suddenly standing up to his full height, which might I add was a lot taller than mine.

"Hey if you hadn't taken the whole 'ultimatum' thing to heart and gone chosen Louise over me and didn't go out sightseeing with her then I would have had time this morning to come find you and apologise because you know what, Ash, the last days was the closest I even came to feeling as alone as I did when my parents kicked me out of home," I said defiantly.

He opened his mouth to say something but as the words registered in his mind he faulted and a strange look spread over his face. I was just about to ask him if he was okay when I heard someone jog up beside me. I looked over my shoulder, oh god Louis are you trying to get yourself killed or something?

"Is everything okay here," He said, I internally groaned. He had heard what I said about my parents. I looked over at Ashton praying he would just grit his teeth and walk away. But oh no. He just had to be the man in this situation.

"I think your girlfriend can handle herself, when she signed up for this relationship, she didn't hire a body guard," he said in a narky manner, I actually groaned this time.

"Is this your words or hers?" Louis said challenging Ashton's words and at the same, to make his words more effective, he took a step forward so he was standing in front of me.

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