Chapter 14 Departure and Unexpected Guests

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At the Wrong Time

Chapter 14

-Claire’s POV-

It had been a week since me and Ash had our little non-professional therapy session and we hadn't really spoken to each other since. I mean yes the parents did throw a goodbye party yesterday and we tried to make small with each other, resulting in a few laughs but Ashton’s mum invited Louise so that kind of ruined it for me. But aside from that I have probably been the most antisocial person that ever existed, I have a least ten missed calls from Ashton, Calum, Rose and Molly and four unanswered texts from Luke and Michael who couldn't be bothered to call.

But I had bigger things on my mind than answering my friends, wow that sounded…, my mind was crowded with thoughts. Most about Ash, I and Louise and the weird love triangle thing I had gotten myself involved in but all my other thoughts have been in regard to Louis. Ever since that day when I first him and the other 1D boys I haven't been able to get that scene when he asked for my number out of my head.

It felt so surreal considering my last boyfriend was when I was 16, which was three years ago, and he was a dick. But Louis seemed like a genuine guy, he was kind, funny, crazy but I still couldn't get Ashton my head. Thus creating some weird love octahedron.

I sighed as I looked around my apartment, I wouldn’t be seeing it for another nine months. I was standing at the door with my suitcase and carry-on bags in hand with my earphones already around my neck. I had already put the place up for rent on the market and made sure the real-a-state agent would contact me if anything did happen but it felt so weird to think that someone could be living in my place for the next nine months. I put my hand on the door knob after taking one last look at the place and shut the door and began to clamber down the steps. Once I got to the first landing I looked out the window to see the familiar faces of 5sos and my other friends standing around a maxi cab we had hired but what made me smile even more was the fact that Louise wasn’t with them. I mean I couldn't care less Ashton wanted to bring her, it was his choice, but that doesn’t mean I like his choice or her anymore.  I waved to my friends and pointed down at my bags to signal for help and of course like my typical friends no one saw.

I rolled my eyes performing a series of hand signals, banging on the glass until I finally had to resort to pretending to pull up my top, to which for some reason everyone turned around. Luckily I pulled it down before too many people saw my bra and death-stared everyone watching, causing them to all laugh. I pulled my bag up so they could see and mouthed help. To which they just looked at me weirdly, I rolled my eyes and over exaggerated help and finally someone realised and Ashton walked over towards the entrance.

I waited for a couple for moments until I could hear his heavy footsteps hurrying up the stairs and towards me. I tapped my foot and put a smug expression on my face once he reached the top. He quickly flipped some hair out of his face and laughed when he laugh my expression.

“What?” he said laughing, I just smiled at him and pushed my rollie bag in his direction. He pulled a sad expression on his face.

“What you think I summoned you up here so say hi?” I said sarcastically, he laughed again and picked up the bag and we began down the steps continuing on our small talk from yesterday and this continued on until we got outside.

“So you really don’t care about me inviting Louise?” He asked looking at me dead in the eyes, I inwardly winced at the prospect of having to spend the next month with her, wow how quickly opinions of people could be changed, but if I was ever going to fix my relationship with Ashton I was going to have to accept that she got him first.

So instead I just shrugged, before quickly saying, “Wait you invited her?” I said sounding shocked and angry. He looked over at me wide eyed before I burst out laughing at his reaction, he quickly recovered and nudged me with his shoulder.

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