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I knocked on Y/N's door as I thought she opened it but she didn't it was her mother instead.
"Hi Mrs. Y/L/N" I said with a small smile "hey Johnny" she said before we hugged each other then she looked at me as I just chuckled. "You know you would look good with a beard, have you ever tried to grow one out?" She asked "ma" Y/N simply said not looking up from her phone.

"Okay, I'll see you two later" she said closing the door behind her as I locked it and seen Y/N looking down at her phone with her elbow on top of the couch and her head resting on her hand.

"Are you mad?" She simply asked tossing her phone on the couch as she finally looked at me. "No but I think we need to talk" I started off sitting on her couch as there was a good space between us. I looked around her living room and it was so girly.

You want to talk about my date, or the kiss?" She questioned

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You want to talk about my date, or the kiss?" She questioned. "Everything" I said as she just looked at me. "Everything like what?" She asked. "Why are you so hard on me?" I questioned "I asked you out on dates numerous of times and you tell me all the time no. I asked you to your prom you told me no, I asked you again for my prom since you graduated earlier and you said no. I even asked you to all the homecoming dances back in high school and you shut me down why?!" I asked.

"Are you dead ass?" She questioned "yes you even said I'd get a chance if I got myself together which I did" I brought up. "Johnny all you did was grow a small beard you didn't change anything besides your appearance" she expressed. "We have this conversation almost every week" she said looking away from me then shook her head.

"No we don't because you get like that" I pointed out "like what?" She asked. "Where you won't look at me and you won't talk to me, we end up arguing and then you kick me out. Y/N I'm not going anywhere so you can drop the fucking attitude" I said as she just looked at her hands. "You ready to actually talk?" I asked as she just looked at me "I tell you all the time why I don't deal with you though" she said.

"You go based off of shit stemming from high school" I said as she just shook her head "are you going to let me talk or not?" She asked as I just sat back and watched and listened to her.

"look at what you do. You deal with all these women. You with a different woman every time I see you why would I want to be with a guy like that?" She asked as I just looked at her.

"You can't even stop when I ask you too so why would I get with you just so you can possibly cheat on me, that's not smart" She expressed

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"You can't even stop when I ask you too so why would I get with you just so you can possibly cheat on me, that's not smart" She expressed. "You talked to almost every girl at our school in our grade and was confused when I didn't want to go to prom with you" she said.

"I heard all the stories about the girls you slept with and who you took out on dates just to fuck and never call back and I didn't want to be one of those girls" She admitted. "And I still don't want to be that girl" she added. "But what you expect me to do?" I asked. "You turn me down every chance that you get so I go and hook up with other women." I expressed.

"Why does my opinion or answer always make you go out here and hook up with these girls, I'm just like any other person so why does my answer affect you?" She questioned. "Multiple girls turned You down and you simply just leave them alone but with me you always come back" She expressed aggravated.

"I have a vagina just like the girls you deal with, I have boobs just like the girls you deal with, I have an ass just like the girls you deal with so why do you constantly come back to me?!" She asked. "Okay some of the girls I talk to do not have an ass like yours" I started off as she sucked her teeth getting up and getting the ice cream tub that was on the couch next to her.

"I was just playing, I was trying to lighten up the mood" I stated standing up. "This is what I'm talking about, you never take anything serious" She simply said placing the ice cream in the freezer. "I'm done" She simply said. "Y/N" I said "no because you don't ever take anything serious and you expect me to take you serious" She simply said walking into her room as I followed.

"Because we laugh That's what we do" I stated "yeah but right now I don't want to laugh. You wanted to talk to me and I'm trying to talk to you so can we please just talk?" She asked. "Okay" I simply said as she sat on the end of her bed and looked up at me.

"I come back to you because you're different" I started off as she just looked up at the ceiling "oh my gosh" she said to herself before grabbing Cocoa and walking out the room and I followed after her.

"See you didn't even let me finish" I pointed out "because all men say there's something different about the girl and then they still fuck them over" she argued. "But can I finish?!" I argued as she just gave cocoa a treat then looked at me. "You're Different Because no matter how much I try with you, you always say no. You don't give in as soon as you see me walk past or look at you like other women. You don't drool over me or beg me for my attention you just do you and I crave your attention always even when Im with other women" I explained as she just looked at me.

"And you magically appearing while I'm on these dates?" She asked. "Tonight was me" I admitted with a chuckle making her faintly smile. "With Aaron I seen you on a date and I wanted to go over there" I said. "But what makes you want to do that?" She questioned as I looked at the ceiling then back at her "because I like you Y/N, I always liked you, I've been liking you since freshman year of high school." I admitted.

"You rejected me so many times that after a while I started dealing with so many women and sleeping with different women so I can find a girl who was just like you that would accept me and I have yet to find a woman that's even slightly close to being like you" I finally admitted as she faintly smiled.

"I didn't even know that's why you did what you did" Y/N said "because you wouldn't give me the time of day to even explain to you" I said as she looked away from me, wiping her eyes. "I like you too Johnny but I don't trust you" she admitted wiping her tears away as I just nodded. "So I said all of that for you to just say that you don't trust me?" I questioned.

"What do you want me to do Johnathan?" She asked calling me by my first name. "You brag about every woman you've been with and you just expect me to be with you that easily? What if I get with you or have sex with you what are you going to do?" She asked. "Or what if you cheat on me?" She asked.

"I won't" I said walking up to her then grabbed her hand. "But how do I know that? How do you know that?" She questioned before taking her hand from mine.

"I can't even dream about possibly getting married to you or even having a baby with you because of things that you've done and continue to do" she said stepping back. "It's late you should start heading back" Y/N said looking down.
"Y/N" I started off as she shook her head wiping her falling tear as I just kissed her head then walked out.

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