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The girls got done with their performance as Y/N and I was walking out of the theater building seeing officers try and calm down reporters from taking pictures of Y/N and I along with the girls. I opened the car door for the girls as they hurried and got in. "Y/N" I heard one of the reporters call her. "Are you and Johnny Storm back together?!" They continuously asked as Y/N ignored them getting into the car. "Johnny!" I heard them call my name repeatedly as I got in the drivers seat starting the car.

Y/N just covered her face and holding her head low.  I then drove off. "You look handsome dad" Heaven said as Nevaeh agreed. "And the beard" Nevaeh said placing her thumb up making me chuckle. "No it's not don't lie to him" Y/N said as I chuckled. "Why you hating on his beard mommy?" The girls asked Y/N In a laugh as I chuckled. "Because it's not cute" she said as I playfully rolled my eyes. "Hater" I said. "Ma come on that doesn't fit daddy?" Nevaeh questioned as Y/N looked over at me. "It's ugly he needs to shave it" she teased.

"It's okay I'll change her mind by the end of the night" I said looking over at Y/N as she simply just rolled her eyes. "Where you guys want to eat, you did so good!" Y/N  exclaimed looking back at them as I looked between her and the road. She looked so good even after twins she looks fucking amazing. I stopped at a red light just looking over her body. "Five guys" the girls said as Y/N giggled shaking her head.

I drove to five guys as we ordered our food Y/N was about to pull out her card but I swiped mine. She just looked at me as I thanked the cashier for my receipt. I then looked at her "girls go pick a table we'll get the drinks." I said to them as they walked off. "Thank you" Y/N thanked grabbing the cups that was given to us. We walked over to the drinks machine as she handed me two empty cups.

I just watched as she filled the cups up with ice then filled them up with juice. "You really look good tonight. I haven't seen you like this in a minute" I admitted as she continued doing what she was doing. "Damn I can't even tell when you're serious and when you're being an ass" she dissed placing the lids on the two cups she had then grabbed two straws walking off.

I just sucked my teeth making the drinks and going to the table. I sat in front of Y/N as the girls sat I front of each other.
"You look pretty mommy" Heaven said. "Thank you" Y/N thanked "you do who you looking pretty for?" Nevaeh asked looking over at Y/N as I chuckled "Nevaeh" Heaven whispered.
"You'll learn when you get older you don't dress to impress anybody but yourself" Y/N expressed as I started drinking my lemonade.

"Well daddy dressed to impress you" Nevaeh stated as I started coughing. "He said the beard was for you" Heaven added as I just looked at them crazy. "It takes more than a beard to win me over and your dad should know that by now" Y/N said drinking her drink and eyeing me.

"Besides I never said it was for your mother it was for Liz" I simply said. "Liz the lizard" Nevaeh said with no remorse as
Y/N hurried and covered her mouth. "Vaeh no" Y/N said as Heaven and Nevaeh started snickering. "You taught her that?" I asked Y/N. "No But that was a good one girls" she encourage high fiving the girls.

We received our dinner and soon went back to Y/N's place. The girls were getting in the door getting ready for bed as Y/N was in her room changing out of her dress. I just looked around at all the pictures in the Living room as one caught my eye. It was a picture of when the girls were younger and we took them to Coney Island. I just looked at it and smiled as I heard Y/N's slippers.

She flopped on the couch and looked over at me "you ready?" She asked as I then showed her the picture of us at Coney Island. "This was the last picture of us actually together" I showed her then looked at it before placing it back down. I sat down on the couch "what's the problem?" I questioned looking down at her attire as she started talking.

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