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I was walking into my office as I seen my nephew Isaiah waiting in his career infringe off my desk. "Your sister dropped him off she said you know what to do" I heard Kevin say walking up to me and handing me the diaper bag. "Hi aunties baby" I said excitedly dropping my purse and diaper bag on my couch going to take him out. He was only almost a month and she straight got rid of him.

"He's so adorable, Why did she drop him off?" He questioned. "I couldn't watch him Valentine's Day and her and her husband couldn't go out so now I'm watching him today do they can do something" I explained smiling down at him.

"My little snoota woota" I said in a baby tone kissing his chubby baby cheeks. "His was your night?" I asked. "It was good but bitch let's talk about your night" He said excitedly making me giggle. "You are trending everywhere" Kevin expressed pulling out his phone showing me. "Honestly you looked good last night and you two look good with each other look at these bomb ass pictures!" He excitedly started showing me the pictures of Johnny and I sitting courtside at the game last night. There was a picture of us smiling at each other, there was a picture of us kissing along with us laughing and him showing me how the game worked.

Kevin then showed the video of Johnny and I with the kiss cam. I just smiled and Kevin just smile and looked at me. "So I'm assuming there was a little you know" he sets nudging my shoulder some with his elbow making me laugh. "No that was actually the night before where you set me up to be demolished by his peen" I exaggerated going to go sit on the couch with Isaiah.

"Well, did it happen?" Kevin asked as I giggled "yes and it was so good" I admitted as Kevin got all excited. "Are You two together?" Kevin questioned. "Yeah that's my boo" I said before looking down at Isaiah. I went the whole day working and watching Isaiah which wasn't a problem because he was quiet and content. Once I was done with work I drive over to see Sue and to Sue her Isaiah,

I walked into the penthouse from the elevator as Sue was in the kitchen. She automatically seen me and ran over to me excited. I lifted his Caesar cover showing her the baby as she gasped. "He's so adorable!" She squealed as I smiled looking down at a sleeping Isaiah. "He's been getting that literally all day" I said to Sue as she was smiling at him and soon smiled at me. "What's up with you and Johnny?" She asked with a big smile as I felt a kiss on the side of my cheek and I turned seeing Johnny walking into the kitchen.

I just looked at Sue as she had a big grin upon her face. Johnny got a water out of the fridge then looked me up and down before taking Isaiah's car seat from me and placing it on the island to the kitchen as he just smiled at him. "No arguing I see after he kissed you" Sue brought up. "Because We're dating" Johnny simply said as I took Isaiah off the island.

"Are we?" I questioned as he looked at me "you two are confusing" Sue expressed as I giggled. "Yeah but I am" I said "Johnny?!" Sue questioned "you're dating Johnny?!" She questioned "yeah" I answered in a small laugh as Johnny walked passed me  "I bet he's ecstatic" sue stated as I giggled and we seen Johnny jump and click his heels

 "Yeah but I am" I said "Johnny?!" Sue questioned "you're dating Johnny?!" She questioned "yeah" I answered in a small laugh as Johnny walked passed me  "I bet he's ecstatic" sue stated as I giggled and we seen Johnny jump and click his heels

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