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I was walking up to Y/N's apartment concerned as the fire system was going off and the fire department, police department and the paramedics was going in and outside of her apartment. Someone was being taken out on a stretcher with plastic covered over them as I immediately ran towards her door.

"Sir you cannot enter" an officer said while blocking me from going into Y/N's apartment. "Where's my girl friend?!" I questioned trying to get through. "Y/N" I shouted seeing her on the couch sitting there with a blanket around her being questioned by the police along with the paramedics wrapping her leg.

She finally looked back at me and immediately jumped up and limped towards me as I pushed passed the officers. I wrapped my arms around her embracing her as she placed her head into my chest. "What happened?!" I asked her concerned as she looked up at me "can you transmit your powers?!" She asked "why?" I asked a little hesitant because I didn't want this conversation leading to what I believe it was about to lead too.

"Because we have a big problem" She said stepping away from me some then she snapped her finger showing me a small flame . "Shit" I said to myself as she stopped and I looked at her leg. "What happened?!" I asked looking over her as she just shook her head. "A body just left out of here and you're telling me nothing?" I questioned.

"Johnny I'm still trying to process everything that just happened and what is going on" She expressed. "Go pack Some clothes your apartment looks a mess. Where's Cocoa?" I questioned looking around. "At my mothers house" She answered as I looked at her leg "matter of fact I'll pack and we'll figure out everything else in the morning" I said kissing her head and motioned for her to go sit down.

I went to pack her a suit case adding everything she needed into it. Once I was done I zipped it up and carried it by it's handle. "Is she free to go?" I asked one of the officers referring to Y/N as they nodded. They have Y/N a pair of crutches as she immediately frowned. She took them as I walked up to her "come on" I said as she got up and started walking with her crutches. I got the door for her before we went down the hall wall to the elevator.

"Ugh I can't wear heels and I'm on crutches. "You still look cute tiny Tim" I said as she just looked over at me "fuck you" She simply said making me chuckle before we walked into the elevator. We made it to lobby "you wait here and I'll bring the car around" I said as she nodded. I brought her bags to the car then pulled the car in front of the building. I got back out and as she was trying to walk on her crutches I took her crutches then picked her up making her giggle.

"You're so extra" She expressed as I sat her in the car then placed the crutches next to her legs. "No I'm the best boyfriend in the world" I teased before closing her door. I picked up some Chinese and went back to my place getting her settled in. I finally sat on the couch next to her looking at her dress she was supposed to wear sort of ripped for the date along with her hair being wavy due to the sprinkler system going off.

"You looked like you were going to go all out tonight" I brought up as she giggled and I handed her, her food. "I was boobs were sitting right and everything" she said frustrated and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "What happened?" I asked before eating some of my LoMein. "Come to find out The girl Jessica was stalking me" She started off.

"Jessica from the party?!?" I questioned as she nodded "Yeah the one you had a thing with. She obviously knows me on a deeper level because she told me I have the life that was supposed to be hers" she explained as I sighed to myself pinching the bridge off my nose. "Do you know something I don't?" Y/N asked. "You don't remember Jessica from high school do you?" I asked. "No" She admitted.

"She was popular at the time and would try and pick on you but you wasn't having it" I explained trying to jog her memory. "Oh that's her?!" She asked as I nodded. "Back in high school She didn't like you, you were a cheerleader, an A, B student, you were cool and nice to everyone and on top of that guys would talk about how they wanted the time with you including me" I started off "and honestly she didn't like the fact a black girl could be all of that, she expected you to be-" I started off.

"the stereotypes" Y/N simply said "Yeah" I agreed "but it doesn't make any sense Jessica is a beautiful girl" Y/N said. "Yeah but jealousy is a bitch" I stated. "Not only were you all of that but you were also close with my sister and she knew I had feelings towards you" I said as Y/N looked at me.
"If you knew the girl had feelings towards you and you had feelings for me, why would you sleep with her?!" Y/N questioned.

"I was dumb and she insisted we sleep together because it'll take my mind off of you" I explained as Y/N sighed. "Why does she care if Sue and I are best friends?" She questioned. "She wanted to be with me so she felt Sue shouldn't be best friends with the girl that I liked" I said. "This is why I say soul ties are real Johnny. You slept with this girl and she thought in the back of her mind pussy can change your mind and once she figured out it couldn't, she started going crazy" Y/N explained.

"Do you have any other girls that has it in for me that I don't know about?" She asked. "Not that I know of" I said as she shook her head "the bitch stabbed me in my leg and placed a gun to my head. If there is other bitches out there who may have it out for me, let me know now Johnny" she said in a more irritated demeanor. "Babe I don't know" I said as she just rolled her eyes going back to eating her food.

"You acting like it's my fault why she's crazy" I said "it is because if you just had of kept your dick in your pants we would've never been here" she expressed as I just rolled my eyes "whatever" I said. "If this happens again I can't be with you" she said softly. "Because Jessica is crazy you can't be with me?!" I questioned. "Johnny I almost died tonight, the hell you mean?! What the fuck isn't correlating. She placed a gun to my head" she explained then got up frustrated closing her box of food and walked into the kitchen with a little limp. "Where are you going without your crutches?!" I questioned.

"I don't need that shit" She simply said placing her food in the fridge and limped into my room as I just chuckled and shook my head. I got up hearing her in the shower as I got undressed and decided to join her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and resting my chin on her shoulder.
"I'm not mad at you, I'm just-" She started off and shook her head "I need to get some sleep" she admitted as I placed kisses on her shoulder.

"I think you need to stay here for a minute" I said as she turned around and looked up at me. "You just want to make it easier to have sex" She said as I chuckled. "No I want you to be safe" I said in all seriousness. "Besides you aren't doing shit with a fucked up leg" I teased as she just sucked Her teeth and we started to wash up.

We soon got out as she had a towel wrapped around her body and I started seeing a whole bunch of steam leave her body. "How the hell did this even happen?!" She asked looking at herself in the mirror. "When water touches a hot surface it causes steam, wasn't you an A student in science?!" I questioned as she just looked at me. "I'm talking about getting the same shit you got" She said stressed as I just shook my head.

"I think it looks hot on you" I brought up then smiled at her as steam then came from my body.

"I think it looks hot on you" I brought up then smiled at her as steam then came from my body

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"no it doesn't" she expressed. "Have you even seen it fully activated on yourself?" I questioned. "No but I don't want to be like you" she expressed. "What's wrong with me?!" I asked as she giggled. "Just look at yourself in the mirror and turn it on" I instructed as I was about to say something but was cut off immediately. "wai-" I started off trying to grab her towel but her whole body went into flames.

She then stopped and looked over at me "great now you ruined another towel" I said as she covered her body. "The first towel was your fault" She argued "I'm not the one out here squirting am I?!"i questioned as she threw one of the decorative wash cloths at me before going out into the bedroom.

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