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"Can we ride the motorcycle?" Nevaeh asked. "Uh no for one it's three of us" I started off "we can leave Heaven here" Nevaeh said "Hey!" Heaven interrupted. "And two your mother isn't going to kill me for having either one of you on the motorcycle. Get in" I said referring to the car as we all got in.

"What do you two want to get her?" I asked driving through the city. "Ooo some perfume, some shoes a purse!" Heaven said excitedly. "A car" Nevaeh simply said as I just looked over at her in the passengers seat. "Definitely not" I simply said.
"Why not?" She asked as I just eyed her. "Look so It's one gift per kid" I started off. "I thought you love her?" Nevaeh said.

"Vaeh" I warned looking between her and the road. "I'm just saying" she mumbled. "So we're starting at Louis Vuitton if you don't find anything then we'll hit the next store and etc." I said parking the car. We got out heading to the store that was two blocks down.

We walked into Louis Vuitton as the girls looked around and I somewhat looked around. I felt my phone vibrate as I took my it out seeing it was Liz calling. "Hey babe" She answered "hey" I said continuing to browse around. "What you doing?" She asked. "In Louis Vuitton helping the girls pick out a gift for their mother." I said hearing her begin to do a small laugh.

"What?" I questioned "what happened to kids getting a frame or something for their mother for Christmas?" She asked. "They wanted to get her a purse" I simply said "I think she would've been okay with not getting an expensive bag" Liz expressed. "Yeah but why are you worried about it?" I questioned.

"Because you literally gave me a T-shirt for Christmas" Liz said "It was Ac/Dc your favorite and I also got you a gift card too" i added. "A twenty five dollar gift card to Starbucks" she simply said. "Yeah you love Starbucks" I said. "Johnny I'm supposed to be your girlfriend" she argued "yes not my wife" I simply said as there was a long pause.

"Neither is she" she answered back "can we talk about this later please? I'm out with the girls" I said as a purse caught my eye for Y/N. "Whatever you're already spending the rest of your Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day with the girls so" she started off.

"Liz they're my children the hell you want me to do?!" I asked lowly die to the environment we were in. "Okay Johnny" she simply said before hanging up as i just placed my phone back in my pocket. "Girls look at this" I said. I knew she loved totes especially when we went to the movie theaters. She's The only woman Ive been with that sneaks Five guys into a movie.

"Ooo it's from me" Heaven said pushing Nevaeh out of the way grabbing it as I chuckled placing my arm around Nevaeh "you want to try somewhere else?" I asked as she nodded.
I paid for the purse as we watched the place it in a sleeve then in a box adding a card and placing the box in a gift bag. We continued down the block bouncing from store to store.

We finally found another gift and I stopped into Tiffany and co. To get a perfume set called "Love". They wrapped up it up in a gift box and placed the items into a Tiffany and Co. Gift bag. I grabbed the bag thanking the woman. "That's for mommy?" Heaven asked "no it's for Liz" Nevaeh said rolling her eyes some. "Yeah" I said agreeing with Nevaeh before we walked out.

"What do you even see in her?!" Heaven asked as I chuckled. "She a down to earth girl" I simply said "yeah but she's weird and she was weird towards mommy yesterday" Nevaeh said as I looked at her crazy. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "There she go In there" I heard Heaven say as Nevaeh and I looked in that direction seeing Y/N stand up from her seat in a restaurant Dressed up and her hair in curls.

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