Tagged =D

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Hey everyone,sorry for not posting much,school stuff...but don't worry,I haven't forgotten about this book just yet. There's a possibility that I'll post when school year's over lol. Anyways,I got tagged by Zenyatta_Lore_Needed,thank you :")

1. I'm demibisexual :D (I guess..)

2. I am female UuU nothing special

3. Happy as in emotion?? Idk..maybe? Depends on what that means



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5.  Black

6. An Aquarius ♒

7. I never kissed anyone lmao..so I guess myself (?)

8. All shades of blue 💙

9. I don't have a favorite food so foods that I eat??

10. 10% xD (Imma go charge it later—)

11. none

12. Never had,never will (hopefully—)

13. Black

14. Hmm..that's a weird thing to ask 😆 but I guess 36?? Idk,lol

15. I wanna be a teacher but I'm still not sure..so,whatever I end up with

16. I don't know who to tag so,whoever reads this,I choose you uwu

(Thanks to all of you for reading this,voting and commenting! I love you all {no homo} 🥺❤ Hope you all are safe and sound during this year. Hopefully,I can upload a chapter next month or something TuT. Have a good day/noon/night :D)

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