//He Has A Rival//

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He would cling to you more than often. He keeps saying that you'll leave him and he just suddenly cried. "Jeremy,you know that I love you right?""yeah,but what about him?""he's just a friend." and you just cuddled with him until he fell asleep.

well,he broke his neck. He just patted his rival's back and broke his neck. "Cupcake,I killed him for you.""Jane,just. Don't do that again.""okie!" and he sat next to you,hugging tightly.

Nope. No rivals for him. Who would leave him anyways right? he's a cute boi,who would ask for more? so,nope. Even if he did,then they're probably dead by now.

"laddie?""yup?""don't steal her from me,if ye don't want me to decapitate yer head.""ughh,fine–""I mean it." he grabbed his sword and chased the guy down.

"нет,leetle (Y/N) doesn't need small baby man." and yeet! He just threw the guy on another one's house. "Misha?""да?""I love you even more."

"you know what?""what Dell?""Ah'm in the mode on shovin' mah bullet's up his ass.""Dell,don't do it." but he did. "sometimes,I don't know why I love you.""Me too darlin',me too."

Well,like I told you when someone flirts with you. The guy would end up being in his collection. " Vould jou like to be a collection?""huh? what do you mean?""Mein collection of human organs,hehehe.""nah I'm good." and off he goes. You had to tell him to stop scaring guests. But he just loves you so much!

"oi mate!""hey.""I tell you,stay away from what's moine." Sniper said,cocking his gun,ready to shoot the guy. "okay! bye!" then zoom goes the guy,running for safety.

"monsieur,I assure 'ou she wouldn't need 'ou.""why not?""because,I'm already here,now. Leave." and the guy left,getting the hint from Spy's venom words. "Laurent? did you?""oui."

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