//He Whispers In Your Ear//

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(A/N's Note : and now,I feel weird lol. "Я тебя люблю" means I love you in Russian. It's suggestive so,read at your own risk,Okay bye.)

–"I love you dolly,I hope you know that. I'm just reminding ya."
–"good morning,sweetcheeks. How's sleep?"
–"huh,you got into a fight? heh,that's tough~"
–"wanna run laps with me~?"

–"Cupcake,I love you,more than America."
–"good morning,honey,slept great?"
–"you got beaten? don't worry love,I'll avenge you."
–"hello sweetheart,wanna make love~?"

–"I.love.you,firefly,you're just so precious to me."
–"morning sweets,are you okay?"
–"fight? oh,that's alright,I'll teach them a lesson."
–"love? never heard of it,wanna know~?"

–"I love ye lassie,ye know me,I'll never stop loving ye."
–"good morning. Coffee? here ye go. Made with love."
–"oh those bloody bastards are dead,for sure."
–"stressed out? what ye say that we relax together~?"

–"Я тебя люблю,leetle bear. Misha hopes you feel same."
–"good morning,leetle (Y/N),good sleep да?"
–"(Y/N) fight with leetle people? is nice."
–"Misha wants bear cubs,would (Y/N) want to~?"

–"darlin',Ah love you,even if you don't,it's fine,just know that Ah'm here for you."
–"mornin' sweetpea,got any great dreams to share?"
–"those people mess with you? hah! Ah bet they got a real beatin'."
–"sugarcube,Ah'm wonderin' if you would want to do it? Ah promise Ah'll be gentle~."

–"fräu,Ich liebe dich,I haff no idea on vhy I'm so luck to have jou in mein life."
–"guten morgen,meine taube. somezhing bothering jou?"
–"oh! did zhey got vhat zhey deserve? zhat's gut."
–"fräu,mind helping vith zhe *points on his erection* problem~?"

–"hello luv,Oi luv you,Oi'm glad Oi have you now so Oi wouldn't need to foind another one,cause they're not loike you."
–"good morning luv,whot's that? oh,good,wanna share it with me?"
–"them bloody blokes can't handle you? heh,Oi bet you beat them to a pulp."
–"luv,can you come 'ere for a sec? Oi kinda wanna know how you'll do it~."

–"Je t'aime,ma belle. what? oh,zhe day zhat I will leave you is zhe day I will wear a dress,which wouldn't happen. It would be terrifying."
–"good morning,amour. did 'ou sleep well?"
–"where did 'ou get zhis? from a fight? oh,do I need to? non? okay zhen."
–"bonjour ma cherí,ever zhinking on having kids around? oh,I will be gentle but I can't promise 'ou zhat I won't be rough~."

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