//You Sing For Them//

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He'll try to hide the fact that he's blushing. "n-no,I'm not!""yeah,you are mate~.""o-okay,fine..." but,he knew himself so much that he's sure want to be your future husband.

"e-excuse us! We shall go to our room." and he exits the room with a flustered face. "Jane,what do you think about it?""I'd say that it was a great idea! but,I don't know if I'll be good at it—""I'm sure you'll be a great husband and dad."

He was wearing his mask so you don't know if he's surprised,happy or emotionless. "uhh,Aiden? what do you think about it?" he removes his mask completely. He smiled at you while saying,"I think it's great to be one."

He wasn't drunk but he's face is completely crimson. He'll stare at you as if you had something on your face. "any comments love?""I just wanna say,I didn't expect this,but fair enough,I'll happily accept it.""aww,thank you Tavish."

Even with a buff and tall body like his,he'll cry tears of joy,silently. "Misha? are you crying?""what? нет,Misha is just sweating...""right..what do you say?""Misha is scared but happy at the same time." you hugged him.smiling to yourself.

Will be softie once he hears you singing it. He'll scurry to where you are and listen closely. "that's a great voice you have there darlin'. why don't you sing more?""I'm just shy,I don't like too much attention.""that's fine sweetpea,and I'll gladly take the position."

Him as a father? he never thought of that at any cost. He'll hear you singing nearby and will wait at the doorsteps,smiling. "so,I'm guessing that you heard me?""ja! zhat vas gut! und,zhe position,is it still available?""position? wait,what?— oh..." he chuckled.

He'll sit outside and think about it. "Oi'm foine with that. Oi loike your singing by the way,Oi should listen to it more often.""thanks Mundy,but I guess your the only one who can hear me sing,okay?""Oi'm foine with that."

Spoiling you is his specialty. He'll buy you almost every stock and will start a fight if they don't give you what they want. "what do 'ou want,ma cherí?""I don't really need anything right now—""fine,monsieur,we'll buy zhat." pointing at (f/f) and more. "sir,are you sure?—""oh,I'm sure alright. I just want my princess to have what she likes.""thanks.""and,I'll be happy to be a husband.""okay..?" and he carried you in bridal style,not letting you down until you arrive at his car.

(A/N's Note : sorry if it's lazily written cuz I am lol. Thanks for all the votes and reads,stay safe and wash your dang hands! <3)

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