//When You Fight For Him//

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He was standing there,watching you in awestruck. He cheered for you after staring for approximately 10 minutes. "HELL YEAH!! GO TOOTS!!!" he yelled as you continued to punch the girl that was continuesly flirting herself into him. "let's go Jeremy,she'll bleed to death either way.""alright! you did alot on her.""I wouldn't say she doesn't deserve it." In return for what you did for him,he bought you your (f/f) which earned him a kiss.

You had training with him to prepare for tomorrow's battle,which was a success. "Cupcake,you did great! how about another training?""again? I guess...""that's my girl! to the kitchen!""kitchen?" and there he gave you cooking lessons,I guess it improved your arm muscles. He even loved your cooking.

Definately surprised from what you did. He was just staring at you while you beat up your (B/N) who just called Pyro an 'abomination'. I mean,like,the heck? I'll do the same if that happens because no one calls the baby of Teufort an abomination! "don't worry Aiden,they won't call you like that anymore.""umm,thanks (Y/N)...""no need." he looked back to (B/N) whose body is twisted as hell.

No one really pissed him off,he just wants to see how you'll avenge him so he started a bar fight. "go get 'em,lassie!" he shouted at you as he sat on a stool with a broken arm and foot. "why are you doing this!?" you shouted back,he didn't answer and shrugs. The fight finally ended,you filled with scars but it was worth it for you won the battle. "Tavish,don't do that again.""sure lass! I really just wanna know how ye avenge me.""what!?"

Really didn't imagined the situation before him. He didn't really thought that you'd be the one to fight for him since he's buff sculpture means that he can deal with them. "Misha,can I get a hand?" you said,reaching for his hand which he gladly gave. "leetle bear should be careful next time,Misha gets worried.""don't worry Mikhail,they won't do it again.""still not acceptable,does leetle girl promise?""I guess. okay,I promise.""good." and you both went home after convincing everyone that they didn't saw anything that happened.

Didn't really think that it's necessary since they know that they shouldn't mess with you two,but when people do,you're the one who mostly makes them shut up. "darlin',Ah'm going to buy somethin',can you stay here for a while?""sure! be careful though.""Ah will." and then after like 10 seconds he'll be running to you with at least a group of men behind him. He gives you a gun and pulls your arm with him,explaining what happened. "so,do I shoot them?""no darlin',Ah just want you to prepare the car,Ah'll distract them." What a brave guy of yours!

Doesn't care about it,technically,he actually helps with the fight by dissection of course! He'll add them to his collection as far as you know. "fräulein,vould jou be a dear und give me zhe body?""sure,where?""over zhere." and he points to a body just laying around the corner. "sure!""danke schön!"

He's the opposite of Engie,he's mostly the one who takes care of it,but I guess he gave you a chance. "Oi mate,noice hat you got there." which was a lie,so boom,battle began. "sheila,take care of this,Oi'll return shortly." which was another lie,he came back after the fight ended. "where have you been,Mundy?""just chilling,Oi need a break—""you better run before I break you."

Nope. It only takes a few insults and swings of his butterfly knife,and off they go to find someone else to flirt with. But for now,he went to the restroom,so you have to deal with it. "hey there—""shut up and leave me in peace,before YOU leave in pieces." but the man didn't really understand what you meant because he's too drunk. "come on,I can clearly see you're alone—""'ou are drunk,'ou can clearly see me,no?" he whispered something in his ear,making him accidentally piss his pants,so he ran away. "what did you do?""just gave him a lesson zhat he'll never forget."

(A/N : How are you all doing this quaratine? Hope y'all staying safe and sound! Anyways,won't waste your time,go go,shoo! Do what you gotta do! Also,no homo love y'all <3)

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