//Blood Week//

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He lets you cuddle with him. He wouldn't survive a day without getting hit though,it's very rare for him not to be hitten by you. You have cravings so,he's safe whenever that happens. He gets shy eventually when he was going to buy your napkins. "(Y/N),why do ya gotta do dis to me?" he said while almost whimpering because he has to buy more napkins.

He doesn't really bother buying you your needs. Not until ladies starts whispering with each other. His face just flushed as he hurriedly bought the goods. He gets hit,but he also doesn't care,as long as you're alright. He was actually shocked to see you being grumpy and happy at the same time,but I guess he just stays away when needed. "(Y/N),do you want to cuddle?""alright." and you did,eventually squeezing almost the life out of him. But he was happy none the less.

He didn't understand why you were in pain and bleeding,he thought that you were in danger,so he sent you to Medic while he "spy-checked" the room. Medic explained some things to him in private and he was shocked. He begged Medic to give you a medicine that will stop everything right now. "Pyro,I don't zhink I haff zha–""mmrrphh mrrph,mphh!""vhat did jou say?""he said that you should just give it to me doc." but Medic shooked his head,Pyro hanging his head low as he understands that Medic doesn't have the cure. "come on Aiden,let's go to bed.""alright princess!" so he carried you with him to bed.Also,he didn't burned the room down.

He gave you some of his drinks,but he watches you drink it. Making sure that you don't drink too much,after that he'll send you to Medic to be checked on. "doc,what do ye think?""herr demo,I guess she isn't feeling zhe pain,zhough she smells like alcohol.""uhmm,I guess she accidentally spilled alcohol on her...?""uh huh..." Tavish was always finding excuses whenever you two would go to Medic. He doesn't want the doc to know that you've been drinking. He just doesn't want you to be shouted at and because he was just trying to help.

He was sweating here and there,worrying about you. He agreed to buy you your favorite sweets and well,napkins. He's too busy worrying about you that he isn't even embarrassed to buy napkins at the store. "Hello?""h-huh? да?""is this all you need?""да." and he payed the cashier,quickly grabbing the bag and ran to you. Literally. But it doesn't matter to him. As long as he got all the things and food you need,he'll be happy.

Now,it's the other way around. He's now the one making sure you get frequent sleep. And because of that,he'll sleep earlier than before. You were happy about that the only thing that really annoys you are the cramps. "darlin'? do you need somethin'?""do you think you can grab some napkins and some painkillers?""sure thing,honeycube! Ah'll be right back!" he quickly ran to his truck to buy the stuff. You kinda giggled quietly at him,seeing him run like that.

He didn't care if you bled on his bed. He'll just wash again,and besides he's the one doing the laundry today anyways. "fräu,just call me if jou need somezhing,okay?""alright." so you continued to lie at the metal bed,staring at the ceiling attentively. He was checking on you from time to time,making sure you weren't in pain. "Josef!!" he almost tripped on the tiles as he went to your side. "ja,fräulein?""can you hug me?""oh! alright zhen,if it makes jou feel better."

He almost shitted the bed because of your hissing. He kept asking if you want Medic to do something with the pain. At first,you nodded your head,thinking that Medic will give you painkillers,but you instantly changed your mind and shook your head. "no,I'm not gonna accept surgery. What if he steals my organs?""umm,Oi'll steal his too...?""riiiight..." but you still denied his request. He gave up eventually and just accepted his horrible fate.

Using his gentlemanly abbilities and well,his luxuries,he was able to defeat your cramps. "Laurent?""oui madame?""I don't feel so good." his head just suddenly popped out from his newspaper. He decided to make tea and get the chocolatess you wanted. After making your tea,he gave it to you with your chocolates. "are 'ou okay now?""yes,yes I am. merci.""de rien. Je t'aime.""I love you too Laurent."

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